The Top 4 Foods for Combating Fungi

The Top 4 Foods for Combating Fungi and Parasites

It’s a disturbing fact of life. Our body is constantly under attack from parasites and fungi. Most of the time, our immune system is strong enough to keep them at bay, but there are things you can do to keep your immune system in tip-top shape at all times. In fact, you probably already have the solution for fighting fungal and parasitic infections in your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets. Foods that you are already eating have anti-parasitic and anti-fungal effects. Some will get your immune system in fighting shape while others will directly attack the fungus or parasite.

Please note, if you already have an infection, you will want to call your physician, as diet may not be enough to treat it.

#1 Cruciferous Vegetables
BroccoliThese vegetables include onions, kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and many others. They contain a chemical called thiols that wipes out fungi. For example, a recent study discovered that fermented cabbage can kill candida, a common fungus.

These vegetables are not just good for fighting fungus, though. They also offer a number of other health benefits. They can lower cholesterol and prevent the blood clotting that leads to stroke and heart disease. To get the most out of them, you’ll want to eat them fresh, as chewing is part of what releases the positive effects these vegetables have to offer.

#2 Garlic

Fresh garlic is one of the best foods to combat fungus and parasites. Garlic has a compound called organosulphur that fights parasites, fungi, and other bacteria. In fact, studies show that garlic is better at fighting the fungus candida alibicans than a drug called nystatin. However, please note that dried garlic does not contain the antimicrobial part of fresh garlic called allicin. Allicin is an important chemical in the fight against fungi and parasites.

The 4 Best Foods for Combating Fungi and Parasites#3 Spices

Not only do spices improve the taste of your food; they can also improve the dietary quality. Rhubarb, cloves, figs, and cinnamon are all good ways to fight parasites. Rhubarb can work as a laxative that will help remove parasites.

Olive leaf and ginger are also good for combatting parasites. The chemical zingibain is contained in ginger. That chemical has been shown to kill parasites and their eggs. This is why sushi is always served with ginger. There is a compound known as pseudopelletierine found in pomegranates that also provides protection against parasites.

The 4 Best Foods for Combating Fungi and Parasites#4 Pumpkin Seeds

The single best food for combatting parasites is pumpkin seeds. They have been proven to kill pinworms and tapeworms. A good cleansing diet is to fast for 12 hours and then to eat 12 ounces of pumpkin seeds. After you eat the seeds, take a laxative and drink warm liquids to eliminate the waste.

This is much safer than many de-worming treatments, and it’s safe for pregnant women and children. Please consult a doctor before attempting this cleanse.

Final Word of Advice

If you think you already have a fungal or parasitic infection, it is imperative that you call your doctor. If these infections are not treated right away, they could lead to more serious illnesses. Also, the longer an infection goes untreated, the harder it will be to cure it.

Why Heels Crack

Why Heels Crack

Dry, callused skin is one of the main culprits behind the skin on our heels cracking. If the problem becomes exceptionally severe, cracks, also called fissures, can cause extreme pain and make your feet bleed. Things to look out for is skin that is peeling and cracked, growing hard, flaky, calloused, or dark and yellowing. It is important to take heel fissures seriously as they may open up ways for fungi and bacteria to get under your skin, which can lead to more severe problems like athlete’s foot or even a nasty bacterial infection.We all know how uncomfortable dry and cracked skin can be. Now let’s look at the reasons behind this issue.Why Heels Crack


If you often wear shoes that do not cover your heel or are thin-soled, you may be increasing the chances that your heels will crack. These open-heeled shoes, like flip flops, make the feet swell. This puts more pressure on the heels and makes it easier for the skin to crack. Thus, thin-soled, open-heeled shoes should be worn sparingly.

Another culprit behind cracked heels are shoes that do not fit properly. If your shoes are too tight, they might be rubbing up against your skin, which will often cause blisters. Blisters can very quickly transform into sore, bleeding, cracked heels. Thus, you always want to get shoes that fit your foot properly so air can circulate your feet and so the shoes do not rub against your skin. Good shoes will also keep your feet dry, which will help to prevent athlete’s foot.


If you often spend long periods standing on hard floors, you are more likely to get cracked feet. Prolonged standing creates pressure and friction on your feet, and this pressure can lead to fissures or sores that may bleed and feel painful. If your job requires you to stand for long time periods, wear appropriate shoes with enough cushioning and support.

Being Overweight

For people who are obese, merely standing will cause pressure that can lead to fissures on your feet. The increased pressure will make the pad on your heel expand. Skin needs to be flexible and supple, but if it’s not, the increased pressure will make the heels crack. Thus, those who are overweight need to buy good shoes to alleviate some of the pressure on their feet. Heel cups or pads can also stop heels from expanding.

Why Heels CrackPre-existing Conditions

Those who suffer from thyroid conditions or diabetes are at an increased risk for foot fissures. First, poor circulation to the lower extremities will increase the likelihood of all sorts of feet issues. Mainly, these illnesses can make sweat glands inactive, which will make the skin dry. If you have dry skin, you will obviously have a higher incident of fissures appearing on your heels.

Athlete’s foot, heel spurs, and flat feet may also lead to foot fissures. Also, conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also crack the feet or heels. Again, moisturizing your feet can help to alleviate foot dryness.

If you do have a serious medical condition and often suffer from dry feet, it is imperative that you contact your podiatrist.

A Cure for Bad Blisters and Athlete’s Foot

A Cure for Bad Blisters and Athlete’s Foot

Tinea pedis, commonly know as athlete’s foot is the type of fungal foot infection seen most often. Fungi love moist, dark areas, so they thrive on feet that have not been properly cleaned after sweating or after having been exposed to water. Blisters will appear when your shoes do not properly fit because the shoe will rub against the skin. This irritation leads to blisters. When a person is new to an exercise, like running, they are particularly prone to blisters.

Blisters and athlete’s foot can be painful and irritating, but there are home remedies that can cure both.

Curing Blisters

A Cure for Bad Blisters and Athlete's FootStep 1

Using a sterilized needle, drain any fluid from the blister. Lightly prick the blister with your needle and allow the fluid to drain out at its own speed. After the blister is drained, cover the area in an antibiotic ointment. Place a Band-aid over the area to cover the blister and avoid further infection.

Step 2

Replace your Band-Aid as needed. Then, after a few days, you will want to leave the area uncovered so that it can air out and begin the healing process. Occasionally soak your feet in clean water and make sure to dry them thoroughly.

Step 3

Every day, before you put on your shoes and socks, dust your feet with baby powder. This will stop the friction between your footwear and your feet and will prevent the formation of more blisters.

Curing Athlete’s Foot

Step 1

After you take a shower, spray rubbing alcohol on your feet. Alcohol will dissolve the moisture and stop the spread of fungi to other parts of your feet. After spraying them, either thoroughly towel dry your feet or let them dry in the air.

A Cure for Bad Blisters and Athlete's FootStep 2

Yogurt and Vitamin B supplements both contain antibiotics that can destroy bacteria, so eating yogurt or taking a supplement can get rid of bacterial infections on your feet. This is a good option because taking prescription antibiotics will often kill the good bacteria that resides in your stomach and intestines along with the bad stuff that is causing your infections. Overuse of antibiotics can make it even harder to cure your fungal foot infection.

Step 3

Always keep baking soda or medicated foot powder in your shoes because these will keep your feet moisture-free. Also, you’ll want to wear socks made out of a natural fabric like wool or cotton because these will allow air circulation to your feet, which will help to keep them dry.

Step 4

Each day, for at least ten days, soak your feet for at least ten minutes. You can mix water and apple cider vinegar (one half of each) to soak your feet. This will ease the itch of athlete’s foot. It will also help remove the infected skin in a pain-free way.

New and Improved Foot Fungus Cures

New and Improved Foot Fungus Cures

Fungal infections on the feet generally affect the skin, which is commonly known as athlete’s foot. If the toenails become infected as well, it is a more serious infection. Fungi, molds, and yeast love dark, moist environments, so they are especially attracted to the feet. You will want to prevent infections by keeping your feet cool and dry. If you have already been infected, there are many treatments available, ranging from simple to the advanced treatment options.

New and Improved Foot Fungus CuresSelf-Care

For most fungal foot infections, a home treatment is best. Make sure you wash your feet every day and pay special attention to the skin around your toes. After they are clean, completely dry them. You’ll want to wear socks that are made out of a natural fiber like wool or cotton, and you should change them several times a day to keep your feet clean. When you have the opportunity, wear open-toed shoes or sandals to allow air to get to your feet. While you do want to expose your feet to the air, do not walk around barefoot when you are fighting a fungal foot infection because you might pick up more bacteria. Also, there is a good chance you will pass the infection on to others.


There are a number of foot soaks that can also help destroy fungal foot infections, and a vinegar soak has been found to be quite effective. Fungi hate acidic environments, and vinegar contains acids that will dry your skin and stop new bacteria from growing. A simple solution is to mix one part distilled white vinegar with two parts of warm water. You need to immerse your feet for at least 15 and no more than 20 minutes every day. Again, after your soak, make sure that you thoroughly dry your feet. If the solution stings your feet or if your skin gets irritated, add more water to the soak and do the soak no more than three times each week.

New and Improved Foot Fungus CuresMedications

Powders and creams that contain clotrimazole, miconazole, and tolnaftate are treatments that cure athlete’s foot and other fungal foot infections. However, they can take up to three weeks to cure your infection. This holds true for medications aimed at curing nail fungus as well.

If these topical creams do not work, your doctor may prescribe oral antifungal medications or oral antibiotics to clear the infection. Even if you are taking an over-the-counter or doctor-prescribed medication, you must still be aware of the self-care steps listed above.

Laser Treatment

Finally, podiatrists have started to use a treatment that was first discovered in 2008. That is a laser treatment that attacks toenail fungal infections. Houston foot specialists learned that lasers can kill bacteria hidden beneath nails. The treatment is pain free, and it usually completely kills the fungi after the first procedure. Furthermore, the nail is not damaged because the laser targets the fungi and bacteria. The once infected nail will grow and the healthy nail grow in its stead within 6 months to a year.

Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your Home

Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your Home

Fungal infections of the toenails and athlete’s foot are just two common types of fungal foot infections. There are many prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments for these infections, but there are also some remedies using home products that can also relieve your suffering. Please note, though, that these home remedies should only be used on mild fungal foot infections. If you have a severe infection, you need to see a doctor right away. Also, if you are diabetic or a woman who is pregnant or nursing, you should also talk to a physician before trying one of these treatments.

Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your HomeMustard Powder

Mustard powder is acidic, and fungi hate acidic environments. Thus, some mustard powder can quickly eliminate a fungus. To create your foot soak, simply add 1 teaspoon of powder to a tub of warm water. Immerse your feet for half an hour. Do this soak every evening and morning until the infection disappears. While powder is best, if you don’t have any, mustard oil is an acceptable alternative.

Salt Soak

People have been soaking their feet in salt water for years, and it is an excellent way to soothe your feet after they have battled a bout of athlete’s foot. Simply add two teaspoons of salt to one quart of warm water. Immerse your feet for at least 5 minutes and no more than 10 minutes. Feel free to do this soak a few times a day until the infection subsides.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can ease the itching, burning, and stinging symptoms that are a signature sign of fungal foot infections. Since this soothes the itching, baking soda can help heal your infection faster because you won’t be irritating it by constantly scratching your feet.Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your Home

Put one tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl and stir in warm water until a paste forms. Then, wipe the paste over the infection, paying special attention to the skin between your toes. Air dry the area for at least five minutes and then rinse your feet in cool water. Make sure your towel is clean before drying your feet. Then, dust your feet with cornstarch to absorb sweat and moisture that will encourage further fungal growth. This treatment can be performed at least three times each day until the infection disappears.


Live cultures contained in unsweetened plain yogurt can wipe out fungal foot infections. This bacterial culture is called acidophilus, and it destroys the fungus that is plaguing your feet. Simply use a cotton ball or swab to wipe the yogurt over the infected areas. Allow the yogurt to dry. When it’s dry, use warm water to rinse it off. You can do this as many as three times every day.

Tea Tree Oil

There are antiseptic elements in tea tree oil, and these properties can kill fungal foot infections. You can use the oil in a few different ways. If the fungus is inside your toenails, you can put a small amount of the oil onto the spots on your nails that are discolored. This can be done several times throughout the day. For athlete’s foot or some other skin-based infection, mix one part of aloe vera to three parts of tea tree oil. Massage the mixture onto your infected skin twice a day. It may take up to eight weeks for the tea tree oil to wipe out the fungal foot infection. Make sure you are patient!

Remove Shoe Odor for Good

Remove Shoe Odor for Good

If you have excessive foot odor, it is important to see a doctor as it may indicate a serious issue like athlete’s foot, which is caused by a fungal infection, or hyperhidrosis, a disease that causes excessive sweating of the feet and hands.

Once these conditions have been ruled out or eliminated, you will want to clean your shoes to remove the odor. Don’t throw away those sweaty shoes. Give some home remedies a shot to wipe out any foul odors.

Remove Shoe Odor for GoodKeep Your Feet Clean

It may seem obvious, but an odor-free shoe starts with an odor-free foot. Feet generally start to smell after they have been perspiring. This sweat can combine with bacteria, and that’s what causes the odor.

Dry, clean feet won’t sweat as much and won’t build up as much bacteria. This will eliminate bad odors. Make sure you are washing your feet every day using soap and hot water. Also, make sure that you are thoroughly drying your feet when you are done. Pay special attention to the skin between the toes.

Give Your Feet a Soak

In addition to keeping your feet thoroughly clean, spoil them once a week with a foot soak. Not only will it ease your tired feet, it will also help to prevent foot odor. Mix warm water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda or 1/2 cup of vinegar. Then, fill your bathtub or basin with the mixture. Let your feet soak for about fifteen to twenty minutes. These soaks make the skin more acidic, which makes them an unpleasant environment for the fungi and bacteria that make feet stink.

Remove Shoe Odor for GoodDry Your Shoes

Fungi and bacteria love moist, dark, and warm places, like the insides of your shoes. Thus, you want to clean as much bacteria and fungi as you can from your shoes. The best way to do this is to keep your footwear dry. Do not wear the same shoes for more than two days in a row, because your shoes will likely need a full day to completely dry. If the insoles come out, remove them when you’re drying the shoes. Finally, if your shoes get damp, air them out in the sun or put them in the dryer. Sprinkling talcum powder or cornstarch over your dried toes and feet can also absorb dampness. Before and after wearing your shoes, dust a little of the powder into them as well.

Change Your Socks

Another simple step is to put on new socks if they become damp. This may mean switching socks a couple of times each day. You’ll also want to make sure that you are buying socks made out of natural fabrics like hemp, wool, or cotton as these will encourage air circulation over the feet. These fabrics will also absorb moisture better than socks made out of synthetic fibers.

Disguise the Smell

When all else fails, deodorize your shoes to give them a more pleasant scent. Sprinkle plant leaves (dry or fresh) into shoes as they’re drying out. Herbs like rosemary, lavender, and sage all have strong scents that can hide unpleasant odors. Essential oils are also good for deodorizing your shoes and won’t irritate your skin, like synthetic sprays might. Patchouli or clove can be poured onto a cotton ball and placed onto waxed paper or plastic wrap to stop the oil from coloring your shoes. Keep the balls in your shoes until you wear them again.

Deep Steep Deodorizing Foot Mist Review

This is a review of Deodorizing Foot Mist that is manufactured by Deep Steep. This product claims to make your feet feel fresh while eliminating foot odor. Read on to find out if this product is right for you and your symptoms.


The ingredients in Deep Steep’s Deodorizing Foot Mist include the following:

  • Purified water
  • Organic aloe vera: Aloe vera is a very popular ingredient in after sun care products. It is renowned for its moisturising and cooling qualities on skin that has been afflicted with minor sunburns and other rashes.
  • Saccharomyces ferment
  • Infusion of organic herbs
  • Peppermint extract: Peppermint extract is a popular oil used for several different ailments. It is most often used to treat gastrointestinal problems likes irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and nausea. It is increasingly being used to treat minor skin afflictions.
  • Tea tree extract: Tea tree oil is one of the most popular essential oils. It is an all purpose oil that is used to cure a variety of ailments as well as skin afflictions. It is said to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It is used to treat cuts, scrapes, acne, warts and fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.
  • Spearmint extract: Spearmint oil is also often used to treat digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, indigestion and nausea. It is also often used to treat cold and flu symptoms as well as swelling in the mouth.
  • Aroma

This product is not tested on animals.


The directions state that you should spray the mist onto your feet in order to prevent and cover up any foot odor.

Possible Side Effects

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before using this product.

Keep out of the reach of children.

This product is designed to be used topically and should be kept away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

There are possible side effects from essential oils and if you are allergic to any of these ingredients you should avoid this product.

Peppermint oil may cause allergic reactions in some people as well as heartburn.

Excessive use of spearmint might increase kidney and liver damage. It may also cause damage to the uterus and should be avoided during pregnancy.

The use of tea tree oil should be avoided in young boys who have not gone through puberty, especially in conjunction with lavender oil. The interaction may cause hormonal changes in young boys and cause abnormal breast growth.


The retailer price for this product is $7.16 for a 6 fl oz bottle of Deodorizing Foot Mist. This price is reduced from $8.95.

The manufacturer lists this product at $9.95 for a 6 fl oz bottle. This does not include shipping and handling.


Neither the manufacturer nor the retailer offers a guarantee on this product. The retailer lists five reviews of which three are positive but only two have any text.


This product employs the use of many popular natural treatments for foot odor. It is inexpensive and it is said to smell very good without using perfumes. However, this product merely covers up foot odor instead of treating the root cause of the problem. It is unclear how effective this product would be in treating fungal infections or other root causes of foot odor.

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Lafe’s Natural Body Care Foot Spray with Peppermint Oil Review

The following is a review of Foot Spray with Peppermint Oil which is produced and distributed by Lafe’s Natural Body Care. This product claims to provide relief from itching as well as prevent odor caused by bacteria. Read on to learn whether or not this product is right for you and your symptoms.


The list of ingredients in Lafe’s Natural Body Care’s Foot Spray with Peppermint Oil are as follows:

  • Purified water
  • Natural mineral salts
  • Aloe vera
  • Peppermint oil

Natural mineral salts are a popular alternative to the chemicals used in many processed deodorants. Similarly to how you would use salt water to clean and prevent bacteria in a flesh wound, natural mineral salts prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Natural mineral salts work as a preventative measure against odor. It is not caused by perspiration or sweat; it is actually caused by bacteria. Because of this, natural mineral salts are most effective if they are applied after you have showered. They will not cover up odor or kill bacteria once it has already grown.

Aloe vera is a popular plant that is used to soothe the skin, ease the discomfort from rashes, irritations and burns.  It is very commonly used in sun and after-sun care products and many people tout its moisturising and soothing properties.

Peppermint oil is often used as a fragrance in soaps; however, some suggest that it is useful in relieving gastrointestinal symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, vomiting and indigestion.

This product claims to be free of alcohol and to be hypoallergenic. Lafe’s Natural Body Care do not test their products on animals. Several of the ingredients in this product are said to be certified organic.


To use this product, you should spray it as needed on your feet.

Possible Side Effects

There are no listed side effects of natural mineral salts. They are said to be completely safe and suitable for use on children. This product does not contain any of the harmful chemicals that may be included in other deodorants or antiperspirants.

People may experience heartburn after using peppermint oil. There are also possible allergic reactions to peppermint oil including headaches and flushing. There is not enough known about the safety of peppermint oil to recommend it to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


The retail price for Lafe’s Natural Body Care Foot Spray with Peppermint oil is listed at $4.79 for a 4-ounce bottle. This price is discounted from $5.99. If you buy this product in bulk you can receive a discount of 10%-15%.


Lafe’s Natural Body Care offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and will refund or exchange any purchase. They are a B Corp Certified company and the company donates one percent of the profits from every sale to breast cancer awareness.


The Foot Spray with Peppermint Oil manufactured by Lafe’s Natural Body Care contains many of the most common ingredients in natural deodorants. It few or no side effects. However, some people may have issues with the peppermint oil. This product works as a deodorant but it is not clear how it will help treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot.

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Nordic Care Foot Spray Review

This is a review of the Foot Spray manufactured by Nordic Care. The Foot Spray is said to follow a Swedish recipe to keep your feet dry and to control odor. Read on to learn if this product is right for you and your symptoms.


It is unclear what the active ingredients in this product are as they are not listed on the manufacturer’s website. The list of ingredients available includes:

  • Aqua
  • Denatured alcohol
  • Diethyl phthalate
  • Aluminum chlorohydrate
  • Propylene glycol
  • Zinc phenolsulfonate
  • Parfum

Denatured alcohol is usually used in cosmetic projects like astringents and solvents.

Aluminum is a popular additive to many antiperspirants.

Zinc phenolsulfonate is a common product in deodorants, body powders and aftershaves. It is said to prevent the growth of micro-organisms.

Diethyl phthalate is a toxic chemical that is used to make plastics more flexible.


It is suggested that you spray this product on your feet after you take a shower or before you exercise in order to keep your feet dry and prevent odor.

Possible Side Effects

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using this product.

Keep out of the reach of children.

This product is designed for external use only and should be kept away from the eyes, nose and mouth.

Many of the ingredients listed in this product are chemicals that are used as fillers in cosmetics. While they are not dangerous in small doses, they are toxic when ingested. Many companies are moving away from using aluminium. There are no official side effects listed when these chemicals are used in topical products. However, if you are trying to avoid products with ethanol and aluminium, you will want to avoid this product.

This product also includes parfum. If you have sensitive skin, consult your doctor before using this product.


Retailers have set the price for this product at $7.17 for a 4 fl oz bottle of Foot Spray. This is discounted from $9.95. If you buy it in bulk, you will receive a discount of 10%-15%.


The retailer does not list a guarantee for this product. Nordic Care, the manufacturer, lists a 100% satisfaction guarantee. However, they do not list this product on their online store. The retailer’s website provides only three reviews for this product, two of which are positive. Since the product is not listed on the manufacturer’s website, there are no reviews available there.


This product is relatively inexpensive and the manufacturer does offer a guarantee on its products, although it does not list the Foot Spray on its website. While this product contains many of the normal ingredients for an antiperspirant, it is not clear how the product would help treat athlete’s foot or other fungal infections that may contribute to uncomfortable rashes and foot odor. There is also not a full list of ingredients available so if there is an active ingredient that would make this product work, it is not clear what that ingredient is.

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Naturally Fresh Foot Spray Review

This is a review of the Foot Spray which is manufactured by Naturally Fresh. This spray claims to eliminate foot odor in both women and men as well as help heal athlete’s foot. Read on to learn if this product is right for you and your symptoms.


The ingredients in the Foot Spray which is produced by Naturally Fresh are as follows:

  • Purified water
  • Natural Mineral Salts
  • Aloe juice

Natural mineral salts are commonly used as an alternative to a traditional deodorant. Salts work as a deodorant but not as an antiperspirant. It is not the sweat your body produces that causes odor but the bacteria that already exists. By applying natural mineral salts to the areas with bacteria, such as under the arms or on the feet, you can possibly pre-emptively kill odor-causing bacteria before they fester. However, if you try to use salts as a deodorant after you have already started to smell, you will find it is not effective because it is a preventative measure and does not work to mask odors.

Aloe is a very common skin soothing agent that is often used in sun and after-sun care products.

This product fits the following description: fragrance free, hypo-allergenic, paraben free, cruelty-free and free of aluminium.


The only instructions for suggested use is to spray onto the feet. Make sure to include the soles of your feet. To remove odor from shoes, spray the product into your shoes and leave in overnight to eliminate odors.

Possible Side Effects

There are no listed side effects associated with using natural mineral salts on your body. This product does not include any chemicals that traditional deodorants do, so there is no warning listed for this product.

This product is probably safe for use on children and on women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding.

The manufacturer notes that if a rash occurs in the area where you are using the product, you should stop using it. You should also avoid the use of this product on skin that is broken.


The retail price for Naturally Fresh Foot Spray is set at $3.07 for 4 fl oz. This price is discounted from the manufacturer’s suggested price of $3.99. If you buy this product in bulk, you will receive a discount of 10%-15%.


The manufacturer, Naturally Fresh, offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on their products. You may return any of their products to them for any reason as long as it is within 30 days of the original purchase. If you are returning multiple items, only one opened item will be eligible for a refund. Opened items may be eligible only for merchandise credit or a partial refund.

The retailer does not provide a guarantee for this product. However, it does provide 61 reviews of which 33 are positive.


This product seems to be an effective deodorant for several parts of your body because of the natural mineral anti-bacterial properties. However, it is unclear whether or not it will treat athlete’s foot, which is a fungal infection. There is also the potential risk of getting a rash from this product which will only make a fungal infection more uncomfortable.

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