Ancient Secrets of Propolis

Ancient Secrets of Propolis

Normally one would assume that bees only make honey but that is not true. Bees have the ability to produce a substance known as propolis which is a combination of sap derived from evergreens and needle sap along with beeswax and bee’s discharges. This combination is propolis and is greenish brown in color and sticky by nature.

Ancient Secrets of PropolisPeople have been using this substance for a thousand years for many reasons. The Egyptians used this to embalm their mummies, the Assyrians would apply it on their tumors and wounds as it was believed to have healing properties and the Greeks used this substance when it came to treating abscesses.  The propolis composition varies from place to place as it is dependent on the bees, the flowers and the trees that are accessible to the bees. For example, the propolis from Brazil will not be the same kind as found in Europe and therefore makes it tough for scientists to come up with a list of general health benefits from propolis. Propolis is antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal. It is believed to be able to cure certain types of cancers.  The substance is used in several beauty treatments and is used for treating injuries that occur on the skin, helps in fighting infections, after a dental surgery it helps in healing the mouth, helps in increasing one’s immunity and helps cure sores and genital infections.

Ancient Secrets of PropolisPropolis is available over the counter and is usually found in topical creams like ointments, lotions and creams.  It is available in liquid extracts, tablets, capsules and therefore can also be taken orally.  The dosage is written on the medicine by the manufacturer and there are no prescribed dosages since the research is still ongoing regarding what is the best dosage of this substance. Moreover, specialists are still trying to find out how propolis works to protect the body from certain virus, bacteria and fungi. In experiments on rats that are suffering from diabetes, it worked to cure them, but the research work is still continuing. Ointments like Coldsore-FX and Herstat contain around three percent of propolis and help in healing sores that occur from genital herpes and cold sores. Research says that propolis can be considered a viable option when it comes to healing the herpes virus.

Propolis and its products are not considered unsafe to use but there is not enough proof to show whether they are safe or not. One should keep in mind that if you are allergic to bees or honey then this product will not be safe for you to use. Propolis has a tendency to produce its own allergic reaction if it is used for a considerable time period. You should consult a doctor if you are planning to use propolis and are prone to certain allergies or are suffering from asthma.

Although propolis has properties that have been proven to have healing properties, there is still a lot of research that is needed to make sure that it is safe to use.

Fungal Infections on the Groin

Fungal Infections on the Groin

Fungus causes infection in the groin area and an anti-fungal cream works best to cure these types of infection. The scientific name given to the fungal infection on the groin area is known as Tinea cruris. Usually, fungus is present on the skin and is not harmful. It can become harmful if they are provided with the right conditions for them to grow and attack. Such conditions that result in fungal infections are found in areas of the body that remain moist and warm and do not have much contact with fresh air, like the groin.

When a fungal infection occurs in the groin area it becomes itchy. This occurs in the crease in between the legs and the genital area. This infection occurs mostly in men and it is the scrotum area that gets affected the most. It usually appears as a red rash and in extensive cases, this rash can reach all the way down the inside of the thighs.

When it comes to treating this fungal infection, anti-fungal creams are a suitable option, and they are available over the counter at local pharmacies and drugstores. There are creams that are available like clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine, ketoconazole and econazole. All of these are helpful in treating fungal infections.

One should use the cream topically around the area and make sure to carefully read the instructions before using these types of creams. If the case is more severe, a doctor will recommend taking a mild steroid along with using the fungal cream. This will reduce the redness as well as take care of the itchiness. Bear in mind that steroids alone cannot treat the fungus. Therefore, it should be accompanied with an anti-fungal cream.

Fungal Infections On The GroinItraconazole, terbinafine and griseofulvin are forms of medicine that will be recommended if the fungal infection has become severe or has spread to other parts of the body.

One needs to keep a few things in mind in order to prevent a fungal infection from returning. Here are a few tips that should help in keeping fungal infections at bay.

Take care to keep the area clean and dry. It is important to keep the area dry, as fungal infections tend to thrive in areas that are moist. One can use a hair dryer to dry the groin area if it’s hairy.

Fungi have a tendency to multiply in dirty areas. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you change your underwear daily.

Be aware of the signs of athlete’s foot which usually occur on the skin between the toes. The skin of the feet become flaky and itchy. This infection can also reach the groin area. There are treatments that are applicable for both the fungal infection in the groin area, as well as for athlete’s foot.

One should wash their towels frequently and not share them with others, since this infection is highly contagious. If you are suffering from a fungal infection, it is advisable to keep a separate towel for yourself, so that you do not infect others.

Can Moose Saliva Really Cure Foot Fungus?

Can Moose Saliva Really Cure Foot Fungus?

Moose is an interesting animal as its saliva is beneficial for the animal. The moose eats plants that use fungi as a protective agent and by consuming such plants, the moose reduces the level of fungi in the environment.  There are a few plants that a moose loves to eat and many of them use fungi as a means to protect themselves and even a moose cannot consume a large amount of fungus without falling ill.

Can moose saliva really cure for foot fungus?Scientific research has found that there is a possibility that moose saliva can help treat foot fungal infections. It has been observed that grazing animals effect the plant life around them. Over time, these plants have also developed various methods of protecting themselves and one of them is fungus.

Mutualism is the term given to the relationship a plant shares with a fungus. A fungus is allowed to grow inside of the plant and in return when the plant is being eaten by an animal, the fungus living inside the plant comes into action to protect the plant. When an animal eats a plant which has fungus, ergovaline, a highly toxic substance is produced by the fungus that can lead to the loss of a limb if consumed.

Moose are not affected by the fungus thanks to the saliva that they produce. Scientists have noticed that when a moose’s’ saliva comes in contact with toxic laden grass, it can lead to there being less toxins.  This anti-fungal saliva works to suppress the toxic levels but it does not neutralize the effect when the animal is grazing this grass.  One is still not able to determine how the saliva of a moose does that.

Can moose saliva really cure for foot fungus?Dutch scientists have discovered that human saliva heals wounds and has been tested on foot ulcers.

Histatin is a component present in human saliva that helps increase the rate at which a wound is healed.

It was observed that wounds that had been treated with saliva were completely healed within sixteen hours. This helps us understand why wounded animals lick their wounds.

Meanwhile, we are far from accepting this saliva treatment as a means to cure fungal infections since the idea of putting saliva on the infection seems disgusting. Nor will we put saliva in our socks or shoes. We are willing to experiment with creams and lotions that a podiatrist recommends, but the natural cure which is available freely is something people are not willing to use. Maybe in the years to come, using saliva to treat fungal infections will be accepted. In the meantime, it is still only a concept.

Curing Ringworm Through Diet

Curing Ringworm Through Diet

People who are infected or are suffering from fungal foot problems know the inconvenience that one goes through while trying to lead a normal life.  The treatment takes a lot of time and most of the time the medicines that are used do not work the way that they claim to. However, once the fungal infection is treated, precautions should be taken to prevent the return of the infection. The following is the list of ten anti-fungal foods that can go a long way in preventing the occurrence of fungal infections.

Curing Ringworm Through DietVegetables– Green vegetables like broccoli, or cabbage, tomatoes, turnips, onions and cucumbers are very good sources of anti-fungal properties.  One should avoid sweet potatoes, corn and carrots, as they increase the chances of a fungal infection.

Pumpkin Seeds– These seeds are anti-parasitic, antifungal and also have virus-fighting properties.

Cayenne pepper– This helps increase the metabolism and circulation which results in clearing up the fungal infection quickly.

Ginger– This aids in the proper functioning of the immune system as well as boosts digestion. Inflammation of the digestive tract is one of the reasons for the proliferation of fungal infections.

Coconut Oil– The caprylic acid and lauric acid which is present in the coconut help treat the overgrowth of fungus as well as strengthen the immune system. Olive oil contains Oleuropein, which is helpful in treating fungal infections.

Garlic– It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that help the body function properly.

Fruits– Bananas, brown pears, white peaches and dates are the best fruits to treat antifungal infections.

Curing Ringworm Through DietYogurt– This is considered a good option to cure fungal infections and can either be ingested or applied externally on the affected area.

Apple cider vinegar– This is considered the best cure for acid reflux, indigestion and even fungal infections. One can take a couple of tablespoons of this vinegar before a meal and it will help remove fungal infections.

Gluten-Free Whole Grains– cereals, oats and brown rice are the sources of food which help fight fungal infections. One should avoid white bread, barley, wheat and rye.

Keep in mind that there are certain types of food that you should avoid eating while you are suffering from any sort of infection and these are-

Peanuts, coffee, tea, sugar, artificial sweeteners, butter, margarine and drinks and food that contain yeast.

The list of ten anti-fungal foods that have been mentioned above are also healthy food choices. They not only take care of the fungal infections, but people who are suffering from obesity and candida infections benefit if they consume these foods. You should keep in mind that apart from consuming these anti-fungal foods you should also take care of your hygiene. One should take care of the footwear, as the cause of foot fungal infections are mostly caused by improper foot hygiene.

Fighting Fungus with Vitamins

Fighting Fungus with Vitamins

Fungal infections will rarely cause any serious infections and will go away on their own.  This is thanks to the body’s internal defense system. There are certain types of vitamins that fight fungal infections, as well as prevent them from reoccurring. There is a lot that needs to be studied in this area, but it is advisable that one speak with a medical practitioner before deciding which vitamins should be taken to fight these fungal infections.

Fighting Fungus With VitaminsBelow are three of these vitamins that are known for their anti-fungal properties and studies are still being done to understand how they fight fungal infections and to what extent.

Vitamin C – Research was conducted to check for the anti-fungal properties of this vitamin and there were positive results. C. albicans were suppressed by Vitamin C to stop the growth and proliferation of fungi in the body.

Vitamin B-3 – This vitamin is the best source for fighting fungal infections. In animal research Vitamin B-3 has proven to reduce the ability of fungus to grow and multiply.

Fighting Fungus With VitaminsVitamin D – According to a review published in October 2011 in an issue of the Dermato Endocrinology Journal, this vitamin is believed to have antimicrobial qualities and can fight against various pathogens, including fungal infections.  The authors of the article have written that Vitamin D can reduce the risk of infection.  However, it is not clear if this will be helpful if one already has a fungal infection. There have been studies which claim that when Vitamin D is taken in higher doses, it reduces fungal infections.

Since research in this field is still new and ongoing, there is still a long way to go in order to prove whether or not these vitamins have any effect on the prevention of infection and fighting them. It is highly recommended that if  you are suffering from a fungal infection you should consult a doctor and not treat the infection on your own. Some vitamins are hard to flush out of the body. You should be cautious because if one takes high doses of this vitamin then there is a serious and dangerous risk of increasing the toxic levels in your body.

Treat Foot Fungus with Tea Tree Oil

Treat Foot Fungus with Tea Tree Oil

Many people use tea tree oil to cure common ailments. It has been recommended by generations of people in Australia over several hundred years. The oil is made from a type of plant called tea tree that is native to the lands of Australia and New Zealand. It is well known for having both antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which makes it ideal for treating common foot ailments like foot fungus and infections. Many researchers have performed studies on tea tree oil but this home remedy works quite slowly. This affects the results of these trials because many patients drop out before the test is complete, because it may often go on for weeks or even months at a time. As such, most of the data that scientists receive from clinical trials is worthless because the test was not complete when the patient dropped out.

Treat Foot Fungus with Tea Tree OilSome studies have shown that there has been considerable success in treating fungal infections on the feet. Fungal infections that respond positively to tea tree oil include toenail fungus and athlete’s foot. By applying tea tree oil at least twice a day, you may be able to see improvements in the spread and side effects of fungal infections. It can clear up serious infections in around six months, but many people experience improvements well before the six-month mark. While tea tree oil is not the best smelling oil, many people do achieve the desired results by using this oil.

When you are using tea tree oil, it is best to follow some best practice tips. These tips include the following:

  • Make sure you clean your feet very thoroughly before you apply tea tree oil. You should always clean your feet carefully, to prevent the spread and growth of the fungus. This is because fungal infections thrive in areas that are dark, warm and moist and keeping your feet clean and dry destroys their comfortable environment. If you have toenail fungus, try to keep the nail area clean and keep your nails in good condition, avoiding nail polish.

Keep your nails long to cover your skin so you do not cut the infected area. Make sure you switch out your nail file regularly because these will harbor germs when you are trying clear up a fungal infection.

  • Treat Foot Fungus with Tea Tree OilMake sure that you apply the tea tree oil at least twice a day. You have to be consistent with the treatment if you want it to work properly. This is why you must apply it at least twice a day every day. You will see results quickly, but for the tea tree oil to have its full effect, you must use it regularly for at least six months. Otherwise, you are taking the risk of the infection returning. Before you use tea tree oil, make sure that you are not allergic to it by testing some of it on your skin. Should you find that it irritates your skin, consider diluting it with some water or another oil. If you are not bothered by the oil, then you can apply it all over the infected area. If you are applying the tea tree oil to the nails, make sure you cover the whole nail. After you apply the oil, let everything dry and avoid putting on shoes for a while.

The best shoes to wear when you are trying to get rid of afungal foot infection are open-toed sandals so that your feet can breathe and heal.

Another option for improving fungal infections is to visit the nearest beach. Sand will help to exfoliate your feet naturally and it will remove a lot of the dead skin that is a result of athlete’s foot. Salt water is also a great cure for skin ailments.

Can You Inherit Athlete’s Foot?

Can You Inherit Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot is an infection that is usually considered a type of fungal infection. It is usually found growing in between your toes and sometimes on the sole of your foot. The rash is usually red and it is often irritated, which causes both itching and burning. The Mayo Clinic says that out of all the fungal infections, athlete’s foot is one of the most prevalent types. It usually responds to the treatment and disappears, but it also grows back at a frustratingly high rate.

Can You Inherit Athlete's Foot?Over the years, many studies have been done to better understand athlete’s foot. Two studies, in particular, were particularly useful in explaining this fungal infection. Some scientists discovered that there are actually genetic reasons for athlete’s foot. These researchers from the University College of London as well as Radboud University published results stating that two different genetic mutations can be at fault for stubborn cases of athlete’s foot. When someone has one of these genetic mutations, their immune system is not able to effectively fight off the disease and can even let further infections develop in the body.

Regardless of this study, athlete’s foot is an infectious disease. It is not considered a genetic disease. While your genes and your general health may make you more susceptible to contracting these fungal infections, it does not mean that you will have fungal infections for your entire life. If you do have one of these genetic mutations, you must simply work harder to prevent athlete’s foot.

Preventing athlete’s foot is not easy and using preventative methods is not a guaranteed way to ensure you do not catch the disease. However, you should understand how you can contract athlete’s foot and how to avoid those situations. Most people catch athlete’s foot from areas like pools, gym locker rooms, water theme parks and other changing areas where people often go barefoot.

You may also contract it from infected instruments used for pedicures or from dirty sheets or towels. Maybe someday gyms, pools, and spas will make their floors anti-microbial, but until then you just have to be careful.

Can You Inherit Athlete's Foot?Avoiding gyms, spas and pools is ridiculous but there is an easier answer. Do not walk around barefoot on these surfaces. Always bring a pair of sandals or water shoes when you are in these areas, to protect your feet from infected surfaces. You should also avoid sharing your towel with other people. If your shoes and socks get wet, you should let them dry and change them. Shoes and socks are warm, dark and wet and this is the kind of environment that athlete’s foot fungus loves to grow in.

Foot powders are usually recommended to keep your feet dry and to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. A new alternative that is being explored is using ultra-violet light to sanitize shoes. This technique can kill 99.9% of the fungus and bacteria living in your shoes. It is not a sure way to prevent athlete’s foot, but it may help those who have to deal with chronic fungal infections.

Natural Athlete’s Foot Prevention

Natural Athlete’s Foot Prevention

A scientist from New York University has a message for people everywhere. He wants everyone to understand that you could have a fungal infection lurking somewhere on your foot at any time. He understands that you have been told that athlete’s foot is spread from person to person because it is so contagious. Dr. Rudolf L. Baer says that fungus does not really spread from one person to another, as a result of having stepped on a contaminated mat or floor. In fact, taking normal precautions will not prevent athlete’s foot infections for most people.

Natural Athlete's Foot preventionThe common belief is that you can avoid being infected by athlete’s foot by steering clear of the known causes of it. In reality, when you catch athlete’s foot it is usually your own fault. Athlete’s foot isn’t the rampantly contagious fungal infection that doctors and the media say it is. In most cases, someone who is infected and someone who is not infected can use the same surfaces and the non-infected person will never know the difference. For most people, athlete’s foot has little to do with walking barefoot at pools or locker room areas. In reality, athlete’s foot is actually caused by the following issues:

  • People who do not wash and thoroughly dry their feet after participating in sports or walking through water are more likely to get athlete’s foot.
  • People who wear athletic shoes or other types of shoes that trap water are more likely to get athlete’s foot.
  • People who wear the same shoes everyday are more likely to get athlete’s foot. This prevents the shoes from being able to dry properly and they can develop mold this way.
  • People who share their socks and shoes with other people are more likely to get athlete’s foot.
  • People who wear dirty socks are more likely to get athlete’s foot.
  • People who wear the same pair of shoes for sports and for general use are more likely to get athlete’s foot.
  • People who wear socks that do not release moisture or let air in are likely to get athlete’s foot.
  • People who try on sample shoes at a store without wearing socks or a stocking are more likely to become infected with athlete’s foot.

Natural Athlete's Foot preventionThe biggest cause of athlete’s foot is the failure to prevent moisture from building up in their shoes and socks and continuing to wear them even when they are wet. Even when your shoes do not feel wet, if you wore them for a long time or if you were exercising while wearing them, there is probably moisture in them. A second cause of athlete’s foot is when your immune system isn’t strong enough to fight it off. To prevent your immune system from weakening, you should try to lead a generally healthy life.

The scientists from New York University performed tests to prove that most cases of fungal infections are usually your own fault. The scientists tested one hundred staff members who had never had athlete’s foot. Then, they subjected them to 30 minute foot baths in water that was full of athlete’s foot fungus. After 6 weeks of this, they found that almost half of the feet of the staff had the fungus living on the surface. However, none of the subjects suffered from an actual fungal infection.

Contrary to popular belief, people might actually want to avoid the most common measures to prevent fungal infections. Many of them are  not only worthless, but are occasionally harmful. You should avoid using sprays and sterilizers that are made from chemicals on your feet or in your shoes. Some chemicals can be so irritating that they may actually cause infections themselves. Instead, try the following tips to try to naturally prevent future infections of athlete’s foot:

  • You should try to wear socks and shoes that are made from a light fabric that lets in air.
  • You can try to use a foot powder that is mild to help keep your feet dry.
  • If you feel like you have a lot of moisture between your toes, place some lamb’s wool there.
  • Never put shoes and socks on wet feet.
  • Always change your socks when you change your shoes.
  • Use soaps that don’t include harsh chemicals or detergents when you are washing your feet.

8% of Americans Suffer from Foot Issues

Eight Percent of Americans Suffer from Foot Issues

How much do you know about the health of your feet? Almost everyone (nearly 8 out of 10 people) have at least one kind of foot problem that is so bad that it affects their daily life. Out of everyone surveyed by the American Podiatric Medical Association, almost half of them said that have had more than one foot problem and one third said that they have had more than three issues on their feet.

Eight Percent of Americans Suffer from Foot IssuesPeople who suffer from foot issues also have an increased chance in having other health problems as well. 65% of people who have weight issues experience regular foot pain. 59% of people who have back problems also have foot pain. 64% of people who suffer from arthritis also have issues with their feet. 52% of people who have discomfort in their knees feel similar discomfort in their feet. Finally, 32% of people who have problems with their circulation also experience regular foot pain.

Some of the most common issues with feet that people experience include fungal infections, ingrown toenails, smelly feet, heel pain, bunions and high heel pain. Other common issues include bone spurs, stress fractures, tendinitis, hammertoes and nerve issues like pinched nerves.

Almost 51% of the people surveyed about the health of their feet said that their foot problems are so uncomfortable that they actually affect their mobility. They find it difficult to walk and stand. They also find it hard to sleep, play, work, exercise or even travel. While everyone agreed that something had to be done about their foot ailments, only 20% of people actually thought about taking care of their feet to restore their health.

In many cases, small issues become big problems and then people usually end up seeing their doctor. Surprising, no one really thinks about seeing a foot specialist for these issues even when they know a podiatrist will have more knowledge than their general physician. Most people try to avoid going to the doctor altogether by diagnosing their condition online and using products they can buy from their pharmacy. If you can diagnose your problem correctly, this may save you time and money.

Eight Percent of Americans Suffer from Foot IssuesOne company has even created a new product that uses an ultraviolet light to eliminate disease causing microbes without damaging your shoes. It is specifically designed to help with fungal infections and smelly feet. The device works as a sanitizer. If you put it in your shoes, it is said to kill almost 99.9% of the disease-causing bacteria, viruses and fungus that live inside your shoes. This interesting gadget was designed with people who have foot problems in mind and is the most ideal option for those who suffer regularly from fungal infections, like athlete’s foot, warts, foot odor and ulcers caused by diabetes. One of the main reasons that foot infections are recurring is because people treat their feet, but not their shoes. The cause of their infections actually lives inside of their shoes and you infect yourself whenever you put your shoes back on. But often it is hard to clean shoes properly and some shoes cannot be sent through the washing machine.

Podiatrists used to tell their patients to throw away their old footwear to prevent reinfection. But by using UV light to sanitize your footwear, there is no need to throw out all of your shoes when you get an infection.

Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete’s Foot

Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete’s Foot

An athlete’s foot infection is actually a fungal infection. If you have athlete’s foot you will normally find that your feet become red and irritated and that you suffer from cracked or flaky skin in between your toes. If you do not treat your athlete’s foot, you may find that the infection may become a recurring issue. Treating athlete’s foot is not complicated and there are both natural home remedies as well as over-the-counter treatments that you can use to treat fungal infections and prevent recurrences.

Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete's FootOne of the most popular natural remedies is to mix water, apple cider vinegar, colloidal silver and moisturizer. You begin by soaking your infected feet in a mixture of four parts of water for one part vinegar for around half an hour. Then you should dry both feet thoroughly. After this, you should rub colloidal silver all over your feet, especially in between your toes. After you allow this to dry completely, you should use a moisturizer. When looking for a moisturizer, you might consider oil from garlic, tea tree oil, olive oil or sesame oil.

It is the reaction of the colloidal silver and the vinegar that will help to remove and treat athlete’s foot from your feet.

The moisturizer is essential because it will allow your feet to heal. You should perform this treatment on your feet twice a day. This treatment may remove fungal infections in only a few days. If you suffer from common recurrences, you should repeat this treatment at least once a week even when you do not notice any symptoms. While using colloidal silver is not required, it is a recommended ingredient because it will help the natural remedy heal your feet faster.

If this remedy does not appeal to you, you can try one of many other popular remedies for athlete’s foot:

  • Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete's FootYou might consider applying a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the affected area after you have had a shower or a bath. You might also choose to follow this application with some apple cider vinegar. You should always moisturize after you apply these treatments.
  • Use baking soda as an effective method of drying the feet and preventing dampness in your shoes.
  • Wash your feet very well and dry them using a hair dryer to make sure they are completely dry. Ensure you dry in between your toes as well as the tops and soles of your feet.
  • If you can find them, try boiling gallberry roots and then soaking both feet in the cooled solution. Try this daily for about a week.
  • Try using tea tree oil on your feet to help remove fungal infections. You may also try using sesame oil on your feet twice each day to help cure athlete’s foot.
  • Boil water and brew 6 black tea bags in the water before soaking both feet in it for half an hour to an hour. The acid in the tea may provide relief from skin irritation.
  • Wash non-colored socks in bleach to kill any fungus spores living on your socks. You should also regularly wash your shoes. Make sure your socks and shoes are dry before you wear them again.
  • Finally, try to avoid using soap with anti-bacterial properties so that you do not kill any beneficial bacteria.