The Kaufmann Anti-Fungal Diet

The Kaufmann Anti-Fungal Diet

Doug Kaufmann, the author of “The Fungus Link,” created the anti-fungal diet to minimize what he calls “fungal foods”. These foods can throw off the delicate balance of good bacteria and promote the growth of bad bacteria and other pathogens, such as fungus. According to Kaufmann, his “fungal” theory is controversial and, as of 2014, there is no evidence to support the idea that diet leads to fungal overgrowth throughout the body.

Kaufmann Anti-Fungal DietHe theorizes that a link exists between the epidemic of modern diseases, such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in refined carbohydrates and processed foods. He postulates that a diet high in sugary foods promotes the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus. The solution, according to Kaufmann’s theory, is to adopt a diet low in added sugar and processed foods, which won’t promote fungal and bacterial overgrowth. The anti-fungal diet encompasses three phases, the first phase being the strictest. During the second phase, you reintroduce certain foods such as starchy vegetables and fruits. During the third phase, you stick to a diet low in sugar.

Kaufmann recommends sticking to fresh, whole foods as much as possible. Phase one includes eggs, fish, poultry, meat, non-starchy vegetables, most nuts and seeds, and healthy oils such as flaxseed, olive oil and walnut oil. This phase also includes yogurt, cream cheese and sour cream from grass-fed cows, as well as green apples, berries, grapefruit, lemon, avocado and limes, which are low-sugar fruits.

Kaufmann recommends choosing free-range poultry and wild-caught fish. The anti-fungal diet excludes foods with added sugar, potatoes, yams, peas and legumes because they’re starchy. It also excludes all grains, which includes wheat, rice, oats, quinoa, corn, buckwheat, barley, pasta and amaranth. “Yeast” foods, such as bread, mushrooms and alcoholic beverages are also excluded. Phase one also excludes peanuts, because they’re classified as legumes, pistachios because they’re commonly contaminated with fungus, pickles, refined oils, soda, and coffee. Kaufmann recommends following phase one of the anti-fungal diet for 30 days, then reintroducing otherwise nutritious foods such as legumes and mushrooms in phase two.

Kaufmann Anti-Fungal DietAs a permanent lifestyle change, Kaufmann recommends eating a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats and other whole foods, while keeping processed foods and added sugar to a minimum. The recommendation to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption and cut back on processed foods and added sugar is echoed by mainstream nutrition experts. The average American consumes 23 teaspoons of added sugar, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. That amount is significantly higher than the six and nine teaspoon limits recommended by the American Heart Association for men and women, respectively.

Before starting the anti-fungal diet, it is highly recommended and advised that you consult your doctor, as there can be certain foods and substances that your body will require or might reject. So to be on the safe side, it is best to pay a visit to your doctor or nutritionist before trying and extreme diet. This diet is not suitable for those who are pregnant or nursing as well for those who have kidney problems.

Natural Remedies for a Fungal Skin Infection in a Child

Natural Remedies for a Fungal Skin Infection in a Child

Ringworm on the body begins as a ring-shaped, flat rash. Gradually the ring becomes larger and spreads, with the inside of the ring clearing. The outside of the ring can be either dry and scaly or wet and crusted. On the scalp, ringworm starts as a small pimple that grows larger and creates patches of dry, bald skin. The hair can become brittle and break off and sometimes yellowish, crusty areas develop. This form of ringworm is most common in children. If the finger nails become infected, thry can become thick, brittle and discoloured. On the skin including the groin, genitals, inner thighs and buttocks, ringworm causes a red, itchy rash in the moist skin folds. As the rash gradually expands, its center clears to produce a ring.

Natural Remedies for a Fungal Skin Infection in a ChildIt is children who are prone to having fungal infections, especially if they are living in a hot and humid climate.  A fungal infection can also be caused by taking antibiotics. Ringworm is an infectious itchy skin disease that occurrs in small circular patches, caused by any number of fungi and mostly affects the scalp or the feet. The most common form is athlete’s foot. Although diet cannot cure ringworm or replace medical treatment, certain foods may help treat or prevent this condition. One should avoid giving children any sugary foods and instead should give them anti-fungal foods like garlic, cinnamon and yogurt. It is advisable to consult a doctor before giving supplements to children.

One should start with teaching children how to stay clean and maintain their personal hygiene. This can lessen the time of the fungal infection as well as prevent any further fungal infections. Children should be encouraged to take a bath every day and to dry themselves well, since moisture can lead to fungal infections. They should be taught to remove wet and damp shoes immediately and to dry themselves well.  One should wash all clothes and towels to prevent the infection from spreading, as well as to maintain hygiene.

Natural Remedies for a Fungal Skin Infection in a ChildMost cases of ringworm are mild and can be treated with over-the-counter medicines. The purpose of these ointments is to get rid of the infection and to prevent the ringworm from spreading to other parts of the body. Antifungal creams, such as terbinafine, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, and miconazole, are specifically designed to clear skin fungal infections. While these pharmaceutical treatment options may prove to be effective, the side effects can often make sufferers feel even worse. Herbal remedies are the safest and the best option for treating children. It is possible to make an anti-fungal rinse at home and it is highly beneficial for children. One can use peppermint, lavender or chamomile to prepare this. Take two teaspoons of the herb and pour a cup of boiling water and steep it. Cool and strain the liquid. Apply the liquid on the affected area.

When it comes to essential oils, you should be careful while using them on children as they can cause certain reactions.  It is advisable to consult a doctor before using essential oils.

Anti Fungal Supplements

Anti Fungal Supplements

Fungal skin infections are caused by different types of fungi, including dermatophytes and yeast. Fungi invade and grow in dead keratin. Keratin is a protein that makes up your skin, hair and nails. They are divided into different groups depending on which type of fungus is involved. Many fungal infections usually occur on either the skin’s surface or the lungs. It is advisable to always consult a doctor before taking any supplements.

Anti Fungal SupplementsAlong with a low-sugar diet and probiotics, antifungals are one of the three crucial elements of any successful fungal infection treatment plan. There are a number of natural antifungals that you can take in supplement form or even add to your diet. These work by breaking down the cell walls of the fungi and are an important part of your diet. Some of the anti-fungal supplements that are prescribed most of the time are turmeric, myrhh, balck walnut, thyme, poke, paracress, pau d’arco and echinacea.

There are many different types of fungal infections. The most common types include the following:

Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)

Ringworm (Tinea Corporis)

Tinea Capitis (fungal infection of the scalp)

Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the toenails or fingernails)

Jock Itch

These and other fungal infections are easy to treat and cure and it is a rare occurrence if they reach below the surface of the skin.

Anti Fungal SupplementsApart from the above mentioned anti-fungal supplements there a few more supplements that are beneficial in treating the fungal infections like zinc, acidophilus, vitamins C and A and garlic. The featured supplement in this article is Pau d’arco. Pau d’Arco is an herb that has been used for centuries, with claims that it treats ailments of many varieties, as well as is helpful when it comes to promoting general health. Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been treated by the Pau d’Arco herb. Aside from patients dealing with candida problems, those with other issues involving fungi or yeasts, such as aspergillus, may also be helped due to the antifungal nature of lapachol. One of the properties of the lapachol found in Pau d’Arco is that of an antifungal. Research has shown that the most effective way that this plant can be used against fungus overgrowth is in its usual state, rather than using an extract of lapachol by itself. This supplement helps strengthen one’s immune system in order to fight against the fungal infection. Malaria, ulcers, eczema and psoriasis are other infections that this supplement helps fight.

However one should keep in mind that in order to take the supplements to fight against fungal infections, one should use it in along with other methods rather than use it on its own. Consult a doctor before using any health supplements as you never know how a particular supplement might react with the body. A doctor can advise you on which anti-fungal supplements to take and which ones to avoid.

Bike Shorts and Jock Itch

Bike Shorts and Jock Itch

Jock itch (tinea cruris) is a form of ringworm. It is a fungal infection on the outer layers of skin, hair, or nails. Ringworm of the skin appears as a rash with patches that may be red or peeling or that has bumps on the edges that look like blisters. The skin can often turn itchy, and the rash can spread quickly. You can have both jock itch and athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) at the same time.Bike shorts and Jock itch

Jock itch is caused by a fungus. Fungi commonly grow on or in the top layer of skin. They may or may not cause an infection. Fungi grow best in warm, moist areas of the body such as the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks. As the name suggests, jock itch mostly affects male athletes, but anyone can get it. Using public showers and locker rooms increases your chances of getting jock itch. The best environment for fungi to grow is in the steamy rooms among damp towels, sweaty workout clothes, and wet floors. So it’s not surprising that jock itch and athlete’s foot often occur at the same time since both are caused by fungi.

Reduce your risk of jock itch by taking these steps:

Stay dry. Be sure to keep your groin area dry. Dry your genital area and inner thighs thoroughly with a clean towel after showering or exercising. Use powder around your groin area to prevent excess moisture. Wear clean clothes. Change your underwear at least once a day or more often if you sweat a lot. Wash workout clothes after each use. Don’t wear thick clothing for long periods of time in warm, humid weather.

Find the correct fit. Make sure your clothes fit correctly, especially underwear, athletic equipment and sports apparel. Avoid tight fitting clothes, which can rub and chafe your skin and make you more susceptible to jock itch. Try wearing boxer shorts rather than briefs.

Don’t share personal items. Don’t let others use your clothing, towels or other personal items. Refrain from borrowing these items from others as well.

Treat athlete’s foot. Control any athlete’s foot infection to prevent its spread to the groin.

Bike shorts and Jock itchFortunately, most cases of jock itch can be treated with over-the-counter remedies.

After showering or bathing, dry the irritated groin area by gently patting it with a towel. Be sure to dry your skin thoroughly. Apply a 1% hydrocortisone cream and then zinc oxide ointment to prevent chafing and ease irritation.

Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing to avoid chafing. If your symptoms don’t go away within a couple of days, try applying an antifungal lotion, spray, or gel. Prescription-strength antifungal medications have become available over the counter, making it easier to treat jock itch yourself. It’s important to give antifungal products time to work. Even if the rash and itching go away, continue applying the antifungal cream for four weeks, to keep the fungus from coming back.

If your symptoms don’t improve within a week or get worse, see your doctor immediately. You may have a bacterial infection that requires an antibiotic treatment.

The Causes and Prevention of Ringworm

The Causes and Prevention of Ringworm

Ringworm is most common among children, but it can affect people of all ages. Ringworm isn’t caused by worms. It is a skin infection, also known as tinea, and it is caused by fungi called dermatophytes. Fungi are microscopic organisms that can live off the dead tissues on your skin, hair, and nails, much like a mushroom can grow on the bark of a tree. Ringworm is caused by a fungus that grows on the skin. Once the fungus is established, it spreads out in rings. The center of the ring may clear up, while a new ring of infection develops at the edge of the old ring. Children are the most likely to get ringworm. Ringworm of the scalp can spread from child to child when children share hats, combs, or brushes. Ringworm of the body can be spread through towels, clothing, or sports equipment. Personal hygiene is important in preventing the spread of ringworm. Dogs and cats can also be infected with ringworm, and they can pass it to people through direct contact.The Causes and Prevention of Ringworm

The following are some signs of having ringworm:

Ringworm of the scalp: Dry, brittle hair or hair loss in patches, severe itching and a red-ringed patch of small blisters or scaly skin.

Ringworm of the body: Red-ringed patchs of small blisters or scaly skin and severe itching is sometimes present.

Consult your doctor if you have a red-ringed skin infection, severe itching of the skin or scalp, a scaly rash or hair loss.

There are five types of ringworm infections:

  • Tinea cruris or jock itch is often seen in males. More specifically located between intertriginous folds of adjacent skin, which can be present in the groin or scrotum, and be indistinguishable from fungal infections caused by tinea.
  • Tinea manuum, or tinea manus is a fungal infection on the hands. It is typically more aggressive than tinea pedis but looks similar. Itching, burning, cracking, and scaling may be observed and can be transmitted sexually or otherwise, whether or not symptoms are present.
  • Tinea barbæ, also known as barber’s itch, ringworm of the beard, and tinea sycosis is a fungal infection of the hair. Tinea barbae is caused by a dermatophytic infection around the beard. Generally, the infection occurs as a follicular inflammation.
  • Tinea corporis is a superficial fungal infection (dermatophytosis) of the arms and legs, especially on smooth skin. However, it may appear on any part of the body.
  • The Causes and Prevention of RingwormTinea capitis, also known as ringworm of the hair is a cutaneous fungal infection of the scalp. The disease is primarily caused by dermatophytes in the trichophyton and microsporum genera that invade the hair shaft.

Often, the diagnosis of ringworm is obvious because of its location and appearance. Otherwise, skin scrapings for microscopic examination and a culture of the affected skin can establish the diagnosis of ringworm. Home remedies cannot cure ringworm. To cure ringworm, it is necessary to take antifungal medications. Ringworm can be treated topically with external applications or systemically. For example, with oral medications.

You can also take steps to prevent ringworm infections from spreading. Do not share clothing, towels, hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, sports gear, or other personal-care items. Wearing sandals or shoes in gyms, locker rooms, and at pools can help reduce your chances of contracting athlete’s foot.

You should avoid touching pets that have signs of ringworm, which are typically bald spots. Always take care to wash your hands after touching pets.

Proper Use of Antibiotics

Proper Use of Antibiotics

Bacteria causing infections are fought by antibiotic medicines which contain micro-organisms like fungi. Once the bacteria enters the body it can cause severe infections. Deaths caused by infections have been drastically reduced due to modern antibiotics. One should be careful not to overuse these antibiotics. Keep in mind that viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics and require a different form of treatment. Most of the viral infections like a common cold, most sinus infections, and throat infections go away on their own. At times, antibiotics are prescribed for viral infections, which is not good for the body as excessive use of medicine is harmful to the body in the long run. Unfortunately, antibiotics are prescribed for children and it is not good for their bodies.

Proper Use of AntibioticsOne should remember that if there is a course of antibiotics that is required, you should complete the entire course and not discontinue it before the course of treatment has come to an end. That increases the chances of the infection returning and possibly in a more malignant form. Although antibiotics are meant to treat bacteria, there are certain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and can cause another infection. Once the relapse occurs, it is very difficult to treat the infection.

There are times when people do not take antibiotics the first time and then later they have to rely on excessive amounts of antibiotics, which is not good for one’s health. When some of the bacteria survives the treatment and turn resistant, they are not affected by certain types of antibiotics as they have grow resistant to it. Since they are tough to treat, they cause severe diseases.

Proper Use of AntibioticsOne such example of bacteria that has become resistant to drugs is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA. This form of bacteria affects the skin and can cause boils. It can cause severe infections by entering the blood stream, or infecting the lungs and even causing infections in surgical wounds. Such strains of bacteria used to only be noticed in nursing homes and hospitals, but now can be found in communities.
When taking antibiotics, one should keep in mind that these antibiotics also kill the good bacteria that are required by our bodies. There are certain types of bacteria that help in protecting the body against infections. In a viral infection, when antibiotics are taken they destroy good bacteria present inside the body as well.

There are good bacteria present inside one’s digestive system and when that gets killed as a result of antibiotics, then there is a high chance that one’s digestive system can be taken over by the harmful bacteria which can cause infections. Infections that can be life threatening like Clostridium difficile, can be caused by such harmful bacteria.

Ringworm Risks

Ringworm Risks

Dermatophytes is the name of the fungi that causes the infection called ringworm. This infection can affect nails, skin, and hair. This infection is not dependent on sunlight in order for it to thrive and if one leaves it untreated, it has the ability to cause serious infections.

Ringworm RisksDead skin cells, toe nails, finger nails and hair contain keratin that dermatophytes live on. This infection is known as tinea capitis when it reaches the scalp. It is circular in shape and can extend with time. This rash is greyish or red in color and results in scaly skin. This form of infection is highly contagious and mostly occurs in young children, especially young girls, when they use borrowed hair clips or hair brushes. This infection can be passed on from one child to another. When the infection becomes severe it can reach the subcutaneous region and results in a condition called kerion. Now this form of infection makes the scalp spongy. It appears as inflamed skin, accompanied by a cavity filled with pus around that area and can result in permanent hair loss or scars when the pus bursts. There are chances of small pimples forming around the infected area. When the kerion bursts, the pus gets drained and can leave behind scars.

Dermatophytes is found on healthy skin too, and can cause infections when it gains access to the areas where it can thrive. When it comes to the nails and the nail beds, this form of fungi can access the areas through the smallest microscopic tear in the cuticle, under the nails and in the skin around the nails.

Ringworm RisksIt is also known by the name tinea unguium or onychomycosis. It is estimated that around 10% of the population is affected by this form of infection. In its milder form, it can lead to the discoloration of the nails. In more severe cases, it can lead to nail deformity as well as to the crumbling of the nails.

In the typical case of a ringworm infection, the infection causes a rash on the skin along with a scaly appearance. The small tears in the skin provide easy access for this form of fungi to enter the skin’s layers and cause infections. Infections caused by bacteria of the secondary type are a common complication that is found in ringworm infections. Bacteria like streptococcus or staphylococcus can be found on healthy skin and they then enter the skin through minor tears.

They can also enter when the chemical barrier on the skin, which repels the pathogens, gets compromised. Cellulitis is the name of the infection that is caused by this particular form of bacteria. The common symptoms that accompany this form of infection are pain, fever, fatigue and tenderness. When it is a severe case, the infections can spiral into bone infection, gangrene and meningitis.

Essential Oils for Treating Ringworm

Essential Oils for Treating Ringworm

There are a few oils that are very helpful when it comes to the treatment of ringworm, and they are:

Jojoba Oil- This type of oil is used to treat skin infections like eczema, warts, psoriasis, acne and ringworm. Since it is anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory in nature, it works so well on the skin. It is considered to be good for hair and used in the treatment of baldness. In order to treat ringworm, one should apply the oil daily on the affected area. Regular use of the oil can lead to a cure of skin infections. In a few cases, people also add lavender oil to make the treatment more effective.

Essential Oils for Treating RingwormLemon Grass Oil– This oil was used in ancient times in countries like China and India. It is used to treat various medical conditions. Since it has anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties, it is a good oil to try. In order to treat ringworm infections, there are three ways to use this oil. One can apply a paste made from the plant on the affected area. It can also be used as an oil, and it is advisable to mix it with oils like almond or jojoba oil. It can also be consumed in the form of tea. If you choose to use this extract as an oil or paste, you should rub it in two to three times a day until it completely cures the infection.

Coconut Oil– This form of oil is used to cure many skin-related infections and is highly recommended to be used by people who suffer from ringworm on the scalp.

It is anti-fungal due to lauric acid that it contains as well as its anti-inflammatory and that is why it is perfect for treating the scalp. It is recommended that this oil be used three to four times a day. One should keep in mind to use only the best quality coconut oil, otherwise it will not work effectively.

Essential Oils for Treating RingwormTea Tree Oil – This form of oil is widely used to treat a lot of infections like a sore throat, colds, nail fungal infection, athlete’s foot, vaginal infections and ringworm. This oil works for so many conditions because it is anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-septic and anti-microbial. This oil can only be used topically and should not be taken orally. To treat ringworm infections, use this oil two to three times a day and until the infection is completely treated.

Lavender Oil– This form of oil is known to treat anxiety and stress and is also effective in treating skin infections like ringworm.  Since it has anti-septic and anti-fungal properties, it is an effective way to treat ringworm. This oil should be used either externally or through aromatherapy. It should be used like the rest of oils that have been mentioned on the list above, at least two to three times a day. It is recommended to add jojoba oil to make it more effective.

Essentail Oil: Manuka

Essentail Oil: Manuka

Leptospermum Scoparium is the scientific name for this oil and is expensive in comparison to the Australian Tea Tree Oil. The reason for it being costly is the amount of medicinal properties that it contains and it is also antifungal, as well as anti-allergenic, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.  It is relatively new in the field of aromatherapy and has been used for years in New Zealand, where this tree comes from. The oil is extracted from the Manuka leaves by using the method of distillation by steam.  The oil is made of these ingredients: linalol, pinene, caryophyllene, leptospermone, humulene and geraniol. The interesting feature of this oil is that the concentration in which the components of this oil are available depends on the height of the tree.

Essentail Oil: ManukaThis oil is used to treat dandruff, as it maintains the oil and moisture balance of the scalp. It is the lack of both these things that result in dandruff. You can blend it with another oil before using it on your head and it can be put in bath water. One can blend the oil with essential oils of Clary Sage, Clove, Geranium, Lavandin, Lavender, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Oakmoss, Pine, Rosemary and Ylang-Ylang.

It is also used for treating insect bites by applying the oil on the affected area.

Since it is anti-bacterial, it is also used to treat infections that can be caused by bacteria in the respiratory tract, the colon and the urinary system. This oil is highly effective in treating fungal infections and other types of infections as well. One example is ear infections, which can be cured by putting one or two drops of the oil in the infected ear.

The oil is capable of treating any form of inflammation, be it respiratory or nasal. It can also treat the digestive tract if one has eaten spicy food. It also treats inflammation in the circulatory system, which is caused by the ingestion of toxins.

Essentail Oil: ManukaHistamine is a condition that cause a really bad spell of coughing and this oil is believed to treat this condition, as it reduces the histamine production in the body. This oil is also used to treat various allergies, since allergies are a reaction to certain foreign elements of the body. This oil is helpful in reducing the appearance of scars by promoting the growth of new cells and it protects existing wounds from further infections. Since it promotes the growth of new cells, it is even used to heal the wounds and is given to patients who suffer from serious injuries, like after a major surgery or accident.

The oil acts as a deodorant and a relaxant by providing freshness to the body. Moreover, the aroma helps keep the mind calm and at peace. The oil is very good for hyper-sensitive people.

Apart from the above listed benefits, the oil is also good at curing rashes, chafing and itching. One should remember to consult with a doctor before using any new oil, even if it is extremely safe.

Essential Oil: Citronella

Essential Oil: Citronella

This is a kind of grass which is grown in a few islands of the South Pacific and in some Asian countries. This has been named Citronella because of the fresh, lemon smell that is produced from the grass. There are two types of this grass from which the essential oil is extracted. One is from the Java region and its scientific name is Cymbopogon Winterianus and the essential ingredients of this oil are citronellal, geraniol, geranyl acetate and limonene. The other one is grown in the Ceylon region and its scientific name is Cymbopogon Nardus. The essential ingredients of this oil are methyl isoeugenol, geraniol, citronellol, citronellal and limonene. The oil is extracted by a process that requires the plant to be steam distilled.  Indonesia and China are considered the major producers of this variety of oil. In a few other countries, the oil is produced in smaller quantities.

Essential Oil: CitronellaThe oil is an antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory substance.  It is also used as a deodorant, insect repellent, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge.  It is also used to flavor foods and there are many medical benefits that are listed here.

Citronella has a tonic property which means that the essential oil of citronella has a toning effect on the body. The oil tones up excretion, digestion, the brain and the nervous system and at the same time makes the body strong and immune.

The essential oil of Citronella has a stimulating effect on blood circulation, secretions and discharges like enzymes and hormones. It also increases the activity in the nervous system of the brain.

Citronella is useful in removing intestinal worms. One should give it to children in mild doses as they are prone to these kind of worms. This oil is highly effective on tape worms and round worms. These worms cause a lot of harm on the physical and mental growth, by affecting the nutrient absorbing qualities of the body. You can improve your quality of life by removing such parasites, with the help of this oil.

The lemony aroma of the oil removes bad body odor and is typically used for body sprays and deodorants. One can also use it while bathing by mixing it in bath water.

Essential Oil: CitronellaThis oil is good for those suffering from depression and provides relief from depression, anxiety, and negative feelings.

Citronella essential oil reduces inflammation, particularly in situations which include the liver, stomach, intestines and other parts of the digestive system.

This oil inhibits fungal growth by killing the fungus. This is highly useful when it comes to infections in the nose, throat and ears by treating the fungal infections common to these parts of the body.

The oil contains antiseptic properties and it helps in fighting infections in open wounds, as well as in the urethra, urinary tracts, kidneys and prostate. At the same time, it protects these organs from becoming sepsis. The use of this oil leads to sweating, which is good for removing toxins from the body.

Apart from all these benefits, one should keep in mind to not use it on children or pregnant women. If it consumed in high concentration, then it is said to cause dermatitis or skin irritation.