NutriBiotic Natural Body and Foot Powder Review

This is a review of Natural Body and Foot Powder which is manufactured and sold by NutriBiotic. This product claims to relieve the painful symptoms and powerful odors caused by fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, jock itch and diaper rash. Read on to learn if this product is right for you and your symptoms.


The ingredients in this powder include the following:

  • Corn starch
  • Silicone dioxide
  • Grapefruit seed extract
  • Tea tree oil

The corn starch works to dry the affected area. It is an old and natural method for soothing damp areas where fungal infections tend to grow.

Grapefruit seed extract is a common ingredient in medications that have antifungal properties. It is also used as a cleanser and a remedy for mild skin afflictions.

Tea tree oil is said to have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-septic qualities. It is one of the most common natural treatments for fungal infections like athlete’s foot.

This product is free of talc and parabens.


The instructions listed on the retailer’s website state that you should lightly sprinkle the powder of your skin as often as you feel is necessary. They also state that you should use their cleanser before you do so.

This product is for external use only and should be kept away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

Possible Side Effects

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using this product.

Tea tree oil is a very common oil. However, there are concerns about its use on boys who have not yet reached puberty. When used in combination with lavender, tea tree oil may cause hormonal changes in young boys and cause them to grow abnormal breasts.

There is concern about women who consume a large amount of grapefruit products. There is a possibility that grapefruit can alter hormone levels and conditions that are hormone sensitive.

There is a variety of vitamins and medications that interact with grapefruit. Consult your doctor if you are on any medications before you use this product.


The price listed by the retailer is $4.78 for a 4 oz package of the Natural Body and Foot Powder. This price has been reduced from $4.78. If you buy it in bulk from the retailer, you will save 10%-15% off of your purchase.


Neither the manufacturer or the retailer list a guarantee or a return policy. However, the retailer offers 93 reviews for the product, out of which, 58 reviews gave the product a five star rating. Most of the reviews do not provide very much evidence regarding the efficacy of the product.


This product contains many of the most common natural cures for fungal infections including tea tree oil. It is inexpensive, easy to use and free of talc and parabens. However, this product does contain silicone dioxide. it also contains grapefruit seed extract which interacts with many medications and may have a negative effect on a woman’s hormones. This powder seems to work to absorb the dampness in your feet or other areas. It is not clear how long it will take to clear up an infection like athlete’s foot.

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Home Remedies for Itching Feet

Home Remedies for Soothing Itching Feet

While chronic diseases and other factors can make feet itch, the most common reasons for itchy feet are that they are too moist, or, conversely, too dry. These issues are easy to solve with home remedies.

However, you should note that there are times when you will need to call your general care physician or podiatrist. Painful blisters or skin that is smelly, scaly, red, or severely cracked should be cause for concern. Additionally, if you are showing symptoms of a fungal infection, like athlete’s foot, you will also want to visit your physician as these sorts of infections can turn into more serious bacterial infections.

Usually, though, itchy feet can be cured at home with a few simple ingredients.

Home Remedies for Soothing Itching FeetWalnut Hulls

There are many walnut hull recipes that can help you put together a moisturizer to alleviate the itching associated with dry feet. One such recipe is to mix together a cup of water and a teaspoon of ground walnut hulls. Simmer in a saucepan at medium heat for half an hour. After that, pour the mixture through a mesh sieve to strain it. While it’s still warm, pour half of a cup on your feet. Then, dry them with a towel, preferably an old one as the mixture may stain. Add eucalyptus oil (5 drops), tea tree oil (10 drops), and calendula oil (3 tablespoons) to the remaining liquid. You should then massage your feet with the mixture.

Please note, walnut hulls have not been approved by the FDA to treat athlete’s foot.


A saltwater soak can sometimes alleviate irritation and stop itching. You should mix salt (2 teaspoons) with warm water (2 cups). Pour the liquid into a tub and soak your feet for five to ten minutes. You can soak feet once an hour until the itching eases. Again, please note that the FDA has not approved saltwater as a treatment option for fungal infections.

Baking Soda

Home Remedies for Soothing Itching FeetA baking soda paste has also been known to help stop the discomfort and burning associated with itchy feet. To make the paste, add one tablespoon of baking soda to two to three teaspoons of water. Stir the mixture until it turns into a paste.Wipe the paste over the feet and make sure you saturate each part of your foot, especially the skin in between your toes. Let the paste dry for five to ten minutes. Then, put your feet under cool water to rinse off the paste. Dry your feet with a towel. Then, dust your feet with cornstarch to remove any lingering moisture. Fungi love damp feet, so you want to make sure that you’re keeping yours cool and dry to avoid further fungal infections.

As with all of the remedies discussed here, the FDA has not approved baking soda as a treatment for fungal foot infections. However, it will give you temporary relief from itching.

If the itching continues, or if the problem worsens, it is important to see your doctor right away as the condition may transform into something more serious, like a bacterial infection.

S.S.S. Company Tetterine Ointment Review

This is a review of Tetterine Ointment which is manufactured by the S.S.S. Company. This product claims to relieve the painful symptoms caused by fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm and jock itch. Read on to learn whether or not this product is right for your and your symptoms.


The active ingredient in Tetterine Ointment is miconazole nitrate (2%). This is a very popular over the counter antifungal treatment. It is designed to be a topical treatment and should be applied only to the affected areas of skin.

The inactive ingredients in this product include the following:

  • Fragrance
  • Paraffin wax
  • Petrolatum
  • Starch


To use, make sure the affected area is cleaned and dried thoroughly. Then, you may spread a small amount of the ointment over the affected area and apply a thin layer. You should do this twice a day unless instructed otherwise by a doctor or health care professional.

To get the best results from this product, make sure to rub the ointment in between the toes so that you can reach all of the areas that the infection might reach. You can help alleviate fungal infections by wearing shoes that let in plenty of air and by making sure to change your socks at least once a day.

This product may take up to four weeks to alleviate the fungal infection. If you are using this product to treat jock itch, it should be used for only two weeks. If the infection persists after the allotted amount of time, consult a health care professional. Do not apply this medication more often than is prescribed as it will not alleviate symptoms any faster and you may see potential side effects.

This ointment will not be effective for infections on the nails or on the scalp.

Children must be supervised when using this product.

Possible Side Effects

Side effects may occur when using this ointment. Common side effects include burning, swelling, stinging or redness of the skin. If you find that you have any blistering or open sores after using this product, contact a doctor immediately.

This product should not be used on children under the age of two. This product is not suitable for the treatment of diaper rash.

Make sure to keep this product away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you are using this ointment to treat jock itch, keep it away from the vagina. This product is designed for external use only.


This product is available from online retailers for $5.09 for a one ounce tube. This price is discounted from $5.73. By purchasing this product in bulk, you can be eligible for greater savings.


There is no product guarantee available from either the manufacturer or the retailer. There are several dozen positive reviews available on the retailer’s website.


This product uses one of the most common over the counter medications to treat fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. However, it also includes several petroleum ingredients as well as a fragrance ingredient that some people may not find appealing. The manufacturer does not offer a guarantee for the product so if it does not work for you, you may have lost both time and money.

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When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

Everyone wants to have healthy and smooth feet, because they feel good and look fantastic. However, many have to deal with dry, cracked skin that at best, doesn’t look very good. It can be itchy or painful. The heels are particularly prone to this issue.

When this is a problem, you may not wear those cute sandals that you bought for the summer. Most of the time you can treat dry, cracked heels from the comfort of your own home, using supplies that you already have. However, there are times when you may need to see a podiatrist.

Why Do Heels Crack?When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

While our toes and heels crack most often, irritating cracks can occur anywhere on the feet. Sometimes, the cracks can be so painful that it is difficult to walk. Often, calluses may lead to these cracks because they have made the skin hard and thick. Once the skin is tough, then simply walking can split the area of the skin around the calluses.

One cause of calluses are shoes that are too tight. If the shoes don’t fit properly, your foot may become irritated where the shoe is rubbing against the skin. Calluses may also form if you often walk barefoot outside. If the calluses get thick enough, the skin is likely to crack. Being overweight, wearing shoes like flip flops, or standing for a long time can also make heels crack.

Those with conditions like eczema, psoriasis, thyroid problems, or diabetes are also at a higher risk for cracked heels due to poor circulation in the lower extremities. If you suffer from one of these conditions, it is important to speak with your doctor if you are having  issues with your feet.When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

Treating Cracked Heels at Home

Usually, you can treat cracked skin at home and you’ll be healed quickly. A simple treatment is to put a thick coat of lotion on the surface of your feet. Make sure you really moisturize your toes and heels. Put on socks in a natural fiber like cotton or wool, so the lotion can stay on your skin instead of the bedsheets.

When you take a bath or shower the next morning, gently rub off the dead skin with a file or pumice stone. Before you know it, your feet will already start to look and feel better. If your feet are not improving, or if they are getting worse, it is time to call your doctor.

When to See a Specialist

There are a few times when you may need to call a podiatrist. Older people who get severe cracks should call a doctor immediately as these cracks may quickly transform into bedsores or ulcers. If you have an autoimmune disorder like HIV or diabetes, you will also want to contact a physician right away. Finally, if you are a healthy person, but the cracks don’t go away after an attempt at a home treatment, it is time to see a podiatrist.

Telia Oils Toe and Foot Review

This is a review of the Toe and Foot antifungal nail treatment which is manufactured by Telia Oils. This product claims to kill fungal infections in and around your fingernails and toenails in fewer than four weeks. Read on to learn if this product is right for you and your symptoms.


This product is made from a blend of natural oils. The oils in this blend include:

Oregano oil is often taken to treat respiratory tract issues as well as gastrointestinal problems. It is said to treat intestinal parasites, allergies, sinus issues, cold symptoms and fatigue.

Tea tree oil is a very popular essential oil that is used for a wide variety of ailments and skin afflictions. It is commonly used for acne, cuts, scrapes, warts and fungal infections. It is said to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Echinacea is often used to treat infections and cold-like symptoms. People have used echinacea to treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, herpes, and wounds.

Chamomile is often used for people who are restless or have trouble sleeping. It has also been proven to be successful in reducing anxiety in people with anxiety disorders. It is occasionally used to treat skin irritations but its efficacy in this role has not been proven.


The oil comes in a glass bottle and includes a brush so that it can be applied to the affected area. To use this oil, brush it onto the affected area twice a day, every day for four weeks. If this product is being used to treat the finger nails, make sure not to wash your hands or eat for up to 10 minutes so that the oil can be properly absorbed. If you experience a heat sensation after applying this medicine, this is normal and it will dissipate.

Possible Side Effects

Oregano oil is unsafe to take if you are pregnant or breastfeeding because there are concerns that too much oregano can cause a miscarriage. Oregano oil may also interact badly in people with bleeding disorders.

People who are allergic to the Lamicaea family which includes lavender, basil and sage may find that they have an allergy to oregano as well.

Echinacea is mostly safe for short term use. However, it may cause side effects in some people. These side effects include nausea, fever, vomiting, stomach pain, sore throat, dry mouth, headache, and dizziness. Echinacea may cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to ragweed, daisies and marigolds.

If you have an auto-immune disease, avoid echinacea because it may have a negative effect on the immune system that will make your disorder worse.

If you have an allergic reaction to plants like ragweed, chamomile may cause you to have an allergic reaction. Chamomile can also cause eye irritation if it is near the eyes.

If you have a condition that is sensitive to changes in estrogen, it is best to avoid chamomile.


This product is available on Amazon for $9.90 plus shipping. The size of the bottle is .33 ounces.

This product is not listed for sale on the manufacturer’s website. The website does not offer a return policy or guarantee for its products.


There is no guarantee listed by the manufacturer on Amazon or on their website. There is only one customer review available on Amazon for this product.


This product claims to offer a noticable improvement in fungal infections on the your nails in only a few days. If applied correctly, the oil claims to be able to relieve you of fungal infections in your finger nails and toenails in only four weeks. While this product is inexpensive, it is not sold by the manufacturer on their website. It also seems that this product is only suitable for treating one aspect of fungal infections and not the infection as a whole.

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Crystal Foot Deodorant Spray Review

This is a review of Foot Deodorant Spray which is manufactured by Crystal. Foot Deodorant Spray is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. It claims to prevent odors caused by athlete’s foot and other fungal infections. Read on to find out if this product is right for you and your symptoms.



The ingredients in the Foot Deodorant Spray are as follows:

  • Purified Water
  • Potassium Alum (Natural Mineral Salts)
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Benzoic Acid
  • Zinc Gluconate

Natural mineral salts are a popular alternative to traditional deodorants that include aluminium. The odor from perspiration is not caused by the sweat itself but by the bacteria in your underarms or feet. The salts are said to work by killing the bacteria that cause odors. This is also why salt water is used to flush wounds, to kill bacteria to avoid infections. If you try to use this natural deodorant after you have already started to smell, it won’t help you, since it works as a preventative ingredient and it will not cover up existing smells.

This product does not contain any of the following ingredients:

  • Aluminum Chlorohydrate
  • Aluminum ZIrconium
  • Phthataltes
  • Parabens


The instructions for use are to hold the bottle at least 5 inches away from the area you are trying to spray and then pump the bottle 2-3 times or more as necessary. The manufacturer suggests that you use this product daily after you shower. One application is said to prevent odor for 24 hours.

The spray is also safe to use all over the body.

Possible Side Effects

There are no discernible side effects from using this product. It is unscented and free of the harmful chemicals used in many antiperspirants and deodorants.

Crystal claims that this product is safe for use on children. It is also safe to use for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Amazon has listed this product listed at $3.99 for a 4 oz bottle of Foot Deodorant Spray. The price for an 8 oz bottle of Foot Deodorant Spray is $7.89.


Crystal does not mention a guarantee on its website. The return policy will be adapted to the individual retailer. There are several positive reviews of the product both on the manufacturer’s website and on Amazon.


Crystal’s Natural Foot Deodorant Spray claims to help prevent odor coming from your feet by using a solution of natural crystals. There are many reviews on Amazon that support this claim and it is relatively inexpensive. However, there is no guarantee for this product. While it may help alleviate the bad smell caused by athlete’s foot, it does not suggest that it is a cure for athlete’s foot or other fungal diseases.

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7 Steps for Ridding Yourself of Dry Feet

7 Steps for Ridding Yourself of Dry Feet

Don’t be ashamed. Scaly, dry, cracked feet plague many. Our feet are one of the most abused parts of our body. First, they are out in the elements, including wet mud puddles and a dry, baking sun. They also hold up our body as we walk or run. They’re busy!

A way to thank your feet for doing so much for you means that not only is it important to keep your feet in good shape so you look good in those new shoes, it is important for preventing fungal infections, like athlete’s foot. If the skin on your feet is cracked, you are leaving openings for yeasts or fungi to enter your skin.

7 Steps for Ridding Yourself of Dry FeetBefore undertaking this regiment, though, it is very important to contact your doctor if you are diabetic. Due to poor circulation to the lower extremities, diabetics are more likely to contract dangerous forms of fungal infections. Thus, treating foot conditions and dry skin should be done under the care of your physician.

Now let’s discuss what you need to get rid of dry feet. You probably already have most of it at home.

Items needed:

  • Wool or cotton socks
  • Towel
  • Pumice stone
  • Foot lotion
  • Something in which to soak your feet

Step 1: 

Before bed, put your feet in a tub of warm water and allow them to soak for 20 minutes. This will make the skin soft.

7 Steps for Ridding Yourself of Dry FeetStep 2: 

A pumice stone is a piece of porous rock that can be found in most beauty supply or drugstores. Using a pumice stone, rub the dead skin off of your feet. Make sure you are being gentle. You only want to get rid of the dead skin. Rubbing the stone back-and-forth is best.

You may need to repeat this process a few times if your feet are in really rough shape. Every day, rub your feet as much as possible before it starts to feel uncomfortable, and then start the process over again the following day.

Step 3:

Use cool water to rinse your feet.

Step 4:

This next step is very important for preventing infections. You need to make sure that you are cleaning your pumice stone after every use. Make sure you rinse the skin off using cool water. Keep your stone in a cool, open area so that it can dry. Consider buying a stone that already has a string on it. That way, it can hang somewhere where it is sure to dry faster.

7 Steps for Ridding Yourself of Dry FeetStep 5: 

Thoroughly dry your feet. Fungi love damp feet, so you want to make sure you are always keeping yours water-free.

Step 6:

Use a circular motion to massage the lotion onto your feet. Massaging your feet as you moisturize them can actually improve circulation of the blood. When buying your lotion, look for creams that are designed specifically for feet. These will be heavier creams that contain ingredients to help get rid of dry skin.

Step 7:

After your regiment, wear wool or cotton socks. These will hold the lotion to your skin to keep them moisturizing overnight. When you wake up, your feet should feel moisturized and smoother.

Kill Fungus Naturally with Herbs

Kill Fungus Naturally with Herbs

There are many reasons a person may contract an infection caused by fungi. These include poor personal hygiene, overusing antibiotics, or an immune deficiency. The most common infections are caused by fungi in the candida family. Candida albicans, for example, is the culprit behind yeast infections. Fungi thrive in moist, warm areas. For example, they are often found on the feet, especially on the skin between toes, under the arms, or in the genital area. If a fungal infection spreads, it can become fatal. Prescription medication usually cures the infection, but they can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal system or the liver.

Luckily, many herbs can prevent fungal infections without side effects. However, it is important to talk to your physician before beginning an herbal regiment.Kill Fungus Naturally with Herbs

Olive Extracts

The Greeks honored the olive tree and used just about every part of it. Olive leaves and olive oil contain a chemical called oleuropein. Oleuropein has anti-fungal properties. It does not kill the yeast or fungi, but it stops reproduction and quickly reduces the risk of it spreading. Additionally, fungi and yeast require sugar, and oleuropein stabilizes and reduces blood sugars.

Garlic Cloves

Another herb valued by the Greeks was garlic. Garlic is best taken in its raw form to destroy fungi. It is especially powerful against candida. Garlic contains allicin, which protects the good bacteria found in the intestines while destroying bad and invasive fungi. Garlic can be taken in capsule form, eaten raw, or directly rubbed on external infections.

Oregano Oil

Oregano leaves produce an oil that is a strong antimicrobial. It is so strong, in fact, that it has to be diluted before you can safely use it. Otherwise, it may sting. The oil is made up of the chemicals thymol and carvarcol, both of which are good at killing candida infections. It can also wipe out fungus on the skin and nails. Athlete’s foot is the common name for these types of fungal infections.

Kill Fungus Naturally with HerbsCoconut Oil

Coconut oil is not only good at killing fungi, it is also a good laxative. This is important because you need to purge the negative microbes. Coconut oil is made up of caprylic and lauric acids. These are fatty acids that attack yeast and fungi directly. Coconut oil can be used internally, as a vaginal douche, for example. It can also be taken orally. Finally, it can be used on the skin to cure a fungal infection or simply be used as a moisturizer.

Goldenseal Root

Goldenseal root can treat burns and small cuts. It is also used as a disinfectant. Recent evidence also shows that goldenseal can be used as an antifungal or antiviral booster. Usually, though, goldenseal is used with other herbs as it can activate their positive effects. Goldenseal can be taken orally as a capsule or applied to the infection as an ointment.

Finally, it cannot be stressed enough that it is important to consult your doctor before taking herbs to cure infections, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking medication to treat another medical condition.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Infections

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin Infections

Those who have suffered from jock itch or athlete’s foot know all too well that curing these infections can seem to take forever. Both are caused by fungi. Another illness caused by a fungus is yeast infections. A yeast infection crops up due to the fungus candida albicans. It will usually appear in the mucous membranes of the vagina or mouth. However, candida albicans can also lie in skin creases, especially if a person has diabetes, is taking antibiotics, or is overweight. The usual treatment for fungal skin infections is external creams and powders, many of which can be purchased over-the-counter. This treatment does not work for all types of fungi, though. For these, oral anti fungal medication will be necessary.

Another way to speed up healing is by taking herbs known to treat fungal skin infections. It is very important to first discuss these with your physician, especially if you are on any other medications.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin InfectionsChamomile

Chamomile is an annual flower that is often found in gardens because of its sweet smell and appearance. They look like daisies. Chamomile has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. As soon as the plant blooms, the flower is picked to make creams, teas, capsules, and tinctures.

While chamomile is generally used as a sleep aid, it also has some properties that can wipe out fungi. To treat infections, consider drinking chamomile tea throughout the day. Also, you can place your teabag or any leftover tea on the infected areas.

As with all herbal remedies, it is important to discuss chamomile with your physician, and you should not use it if you take blood thinners, other sedatives or if you are pregnant.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera has also been used for thousands of years. As anyone who has had a sunburn knows, aloe vera is a gel that is inside the leaves of succulents. It is excellent for getting rid of fungal skin infections. The juice has also been put in drinks to help get rid of candida albicans infections. Aloe vera works by getting your white blood cells to attack the infection. As with chamomile, it is important to take aloe vera only after discussing it with your doctor. Those who have kidney or liver diseases and women who are nursing or pregnant should not take aloe vera.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin InfectionsThyme

A member of the mint family, thyme has an instantly recognizable scent. It has long been used  in herbal treatments and as a culinary spice. It is the leaves that are used as medicine. Thyme treats athlete’s foot and other fungal skin infections. It is generally administered in a tea, tincture, or capsule.

Thyme contains a chemical that strengthens skin proteins that will create a stronger barrier against fungi. As with other herbal supplements, be sure to contact your doctor to make sure you are using it properly. Also, thyme should not be used by those who suffer from duodenal ulcers or women who are pregnant.


One of the best foods for treating and preventing fungal skin infections is garlic. It adds a pungent taste to food and has also been used as a medicine since ancient times. Fresh garlic contains a chemical called allicin that can wipe out fungi. Taking a 4,000 mcg or 5,000 mcg of a garlic supplement can completely eliminate a skin infection caused by the candida albicans fungus. Before taking a garlic supplement, you will want to consult your physician, especially if you are on blood thinners or pregnant.

Karite Gold Athlete’s Foot Review

This is a review of Karite Gold’s Athlete’s Foot cream. This product claims to help fight fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Read on to learn if this product is right for you and your symptoms.



There is no official ingredient information listed online but the description of the product notes that it is made of shea butter and infused with lavender and myrrh essential oils.

Shea butter is an excellent moisturiser which will soothe dry and flaky skin. Some studies have suggested that shea butter may help heal fungal infections but the studies are inconclusive.

Myrrh oil is more often used to stop swelling in the mouth. It is also sometimes used topically on wounds, boils and bed sores.

Lavender is often used to treat insomnia, depression and general nervousness. It is also used to treat many other things like migraines, alopecia, upset stomach, loss of appetite or nausea.


The instructions on the Amazon listing state that you should apply a reasonable amount of the cream to the affected area three times a day. You should make sure that the shea butter reaches all of the affected areas on your skin by moving your hands in a circular motion when you put on the cream.

Possible Side Effects

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before using this product. Myrrh has been known to stimulate the uterus and potentially cause a miscarriage.

Lavender oil is possibly unsafe for young boys who have not gone through puberty as it may stimulate abnormal hormones which cause abnormal breast growth.

Myrrh may cause rashes if it is applied directly to the skin. Large doses of myrrh are unsafe and if you exceed the recommended amount, you may experience kidney irritation or changes in your heart rate.


Amazon lists this product as available for purchase from $21.95. The product description describes the jar as a 40 oz container but it is not clear how many doses that will provide.


The manufacturer does not list a guarantee for this product. There are no reviews available on Amazon for this product. The manufacturer’s website has not been located.


Karite Gold’s for Athlete’s Foot is a product that is made from pure shea butter which is an excellent moisturiser for the skin. However, there is very little information  provided by the manufacturer. It is unclear how shea butter would be effective in removing fungal infections like athlete’s foot. The added essential oils are not traditionally used to treat fungal infections either, as lavender is usually best suited as a product to help you relax. The description provided on Amazon states that shea butter has antifungal properties but it does not cite the study that this claim is backed by. There is not a full list of ingredients for this product provided by the manufacturer so it is unclear if there is another component that has been added to the shea butter to make it more effective.

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