The Healing Powers of Epsom Salt

The Healing Powers of Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a traditional remedy that has been used for many centuries. Many cultures have their own uses for this versatile salt. It is said to have many benefits in many aspects of life. They are useful both around the house, the garden, as well as in the body. The best part about Epsom salts is that they are inexpensive and many businesses sell them in bulk. If you are looking for a cleansing detox, taking a bath with Epsom salts will provide you with many health benefits.The Healing Powers of Epsom Salt

The salts get their name from a saline spring which is in the city of Epsom in Surrey, England. Epsom salts are different from other types of salts because they are made of a compound of sulfate and magnesium that occurs naturally. The use of these minerals in your body can work to provide you with a refreshing detox.

Both sulfate and magnesium are easily absorbed by your skin. They then enter your blood stream. Every day, your body absorbs vitamins through your skin while releasing toxins inside and outside of your body. Epsom salts help to aid this bodily process through a function that is often referred to as reverse osmosis. The salts will help remove toxins from your body while pumping their natural minerals into your body. Magnesium is essential for overall health and has the ability to help 325 different types of enzymes function the way they should.

These enzymes have many functions including improving your circulation, helping your nervous system function, keeping your muscles healthy and helping to reduce inflammation. Sulfates are equally important minerals because they help your body keep your joints, nervous tissue and skin very healthy. Since Epsom salts are such a rich source of these minerals, they are a fantastic way to ensure that your body has the right amount of both magnesium and sulfate. When you have healthy levels of magnesium and sulfate, your body will be able to remove toxins from your body quickly and with ease.

People who regularly use Epsom salts will see an improvement of a variety of health issues. These issues include fungal infections like athlete’s foot as well as injuries like sprains and sore muscles. People who suffer from diseases or injuries that cause chronic pain use Epsom salts to help them remove toxins and alleviate inflammation in their bodies while promoting a healthy balance of minerals.

The Healing Powers of Epsom SaltYou should not use these salts if you are currently pregnant, have serious open flesh wounds or you are severely dehydrated. You should also ask your doctor before using Epsom salts if you have any kind of cardiovascular disease.

Taking an Epsom salt bath is very easy. You will need to allow yourself forty minutes to soak in the bath. The first twenty minutes will be spent removing toxins and the last twenty minutes are spent absorbing the minerals from the salt in the water.

You begin by filling up your bathtub with warm, filtered water. Then you will add the Epsom salts to the water. If you are bathing a child under 60 pounds, you will add only ½ of a cup of Epsom salts to the bath.

If you weigh between 60 and 100 pounds, you will add a full cup of salts. If you weight between 100 and 150 pounds, you will add 1.5 cups of salts. You will continue to add an extra ½ cup of salt for every 50 pounds that you add. You might also try to add some olive oil to the bath as this will have many benefits for your skin. Olive oil provides antioxidants that are beneficial to your health. Some people also add cayenne pepper or ginger which will help aid detoxification in your body.

You should never use soap when you are taking an Epsom salt bath because the soap may interfere with the whole process. After the bath, try to relax for a few hours. Although if you have arthritis, you should stay active after the bath to stop congestion building up in your joints.

Natural Cures for Athlete’s Foot

Natural Cures for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is an uncomfortable, embarrassing fungal infection that is not only quite painful but also highly contagious. Many people who have athlete’s foot suffer from a redness and itchiness in between their toes as well as on other parts of their feet. The symptoms of athlete’s foot include dry skin, blisters, irritation and serious discomfort. You usually catch this type of infection when you come into contact with fungus, usually by walking barefoot on wet floors in pools and gyms.Natural Cures for Athlete's Foot

There are actually three different types of the athlete’s foot infection. You may suffer from a type called moccasin, which usually presents itself with extremely dry skin. You might also experience the vesicular type of the infection which usually occurs when a person has an allergy to fungus. This type is very painful and can cause foot ulcers and blisters. This is the most severe type of athlete’s foot and it can occur all over the feet.

Athlete’s foot is very contagious and it is easily spread through wet, warm areas like pools, gyms and even nail salons. People who are older or who have had the infection before are more likely to suffer from athlete’s foot, compared to people who have never had it. However, this type of infection is very common and some surveys suggest that almost 70% of the population will suffer from athlete’s foot to some degree at some point in their life.

Athlete’s foot is hard to prevent and equally hard to treat. However, there is a variety of different natural methods that you can consider when you are trying to get rid of athlete’s foot. The following list includes simple suggestions for both treating and preventing fungal infections:

  • Try soaking each foot in warm water with cinnamon. All you need to do is boil some water in a kettle and then toss in a couple of cinnamon sticks. Not only will it help remove stubborn infections but it is also a nice treat for your feet.
  • Natural Cures for Athlete's FootYou should take care of your feet by wearing good shoes. Your shoes should let air in so that moisture does not build up on the inside of your shoes.
  • Improving your immune system’s function is the key to good general health. Try taking vitamins or eating foods that work to help your immune system function efficiently.
  • Use baking soda to help dry up wetness in your shoes.
  • Some studies say that consuming garlic will not only prevent recurring fungal infections but it will also help your body heal faster. You can either choose to eat garlic or you may choose to put it right on your skin alongside some olive oil.
  • Try using a lemon water rinse on your feet to help remove infections.
  • Using powder on your feet is a common preventative measure to help protect your feet against fungal infections.
  • Exercise will help improve your overall health but it will also improve your circulation in places like your feet. By improving your circulation, you will become more aware of your feet when you have feet problems. This will help you treat them in time for infections to heal quickly.
  • Cornstarch is a great natural method that you can use for drying your feet. To use it effectively, brown it in a frying pan first and then use it on the infected area daily for a few weeks. Make sure to use the cornstarch even if you think the infection has healed.
  • Natural Cures for Athlete's FootTea tree oil is a very common natural treatment for athlete’s foot. It is said to have anti-fungal properties that work to help relieve infections without causing damage to your skin. This method may take several weeks to work before the infections totally disappear.
  • Dampen a cloth with some Clorox and then use it to clean your feet. Bleach is a common method used for killing bacteria. Be careful when using this method because bleach is a very harsh chemical.
  • Consider good hygiene. Do not share your shoes or socks with other people, especially at the gym. You should always wear shoes in public areas where there is often a build up of bacteria. These areas include pools and locker rooms.
  • You might consider using vinegar on your feet. Use two parts water for each part of vinegar so that you do not accidentally burn your skin. In the event that the vinegar irritates your skin, avoid using this particular remedy.
  • Baby oil can help rehydrate your skin by soothing dry and flaky areas of your skin. Apply the oil to your feet each night for at least couple of weeks.
  • You can always try an over-the-counter treatment. You will have a variety of options including creams, powders, or foot sprays. If nothing seems to be working you should consult your doctor, who may prescribe a prescription anti-fungal or antibiotic.

Athlete’s Foot Overview

Athlete’s Foot Overview

It used to be only serious athletes who would routinely suffer from athlete’s foot. They were the only groups that would spend their days wearing sweaty shoes, socks and walking through gym locker rooms. But now that the population is experiencing a health trend, more people work out regularly in gyms than before. With the growth in health consciousness, there is a corresponding growth in the number of people who suffer from athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection. It usually results in feet and toes that are bright red from irritation. The skin also becomes damaged as your feet peel or crack or become full of blisters.Athlete's Foot Overview

It is important to understand what causes athlete’s foot so that you can easily prevent this painful kind of fungal infection. This infection develops when you provide it with a dark, warm and wet area in which to grow. The fungus loves the abundance of dead skin around your feet, especially when you wear wet shoes that are warm from exercise. Warm, sweaty shoes are the perfect habitat for fungus as well as bacteria. Once you get athlete’s foot, you can infect other people through wet surfaces like bath mats or locker room floors.

There are very simple steps that you can take to avoid athlete’s foot. They require a certain amount of mindfulness when it comes to hygiene and walking barefoot in public areas. Here is a list of basic things that everyone can do to both prevent athlete’s foot and avoid spreading it to other people:

  • Make sure to clean your feet very regularly. If you have any abrasions or cuts on your feet, this will prevent bacterial infections. You should also try to remove the dead skin and make sure you scrub your toes and your feet, paying close attention to your toenails. Keeping your toenails clean can help to remove any fungus growing in those often forgotten areas.
  • Athlete's Foot OverviewAlways dry your feet thoroughly after you wash them. Wait a few minutes after they have dried before you put shoes or socks on your feet. You can use the warm function on a hair dryer to remove any moisture from your feet. You may also consider using an anti-fungal foot powder to help keep them dry throughout the day.
  • Always wear clean socks rather than reusing socks that have already been worn, and have not yet been washed. If you are active or naturally have sweaty feet, you may consider changing your socks a few times each day to make sure that your feet remain dry. Soaking dirty socks in water that has been boiled may help you kill any fungus spores living on your socks.
  • You should consider dusting the inside of each of your shoes with the same anti-fungal powder that you use on your feet.
  • Always let your shoes dry after you wear them. The best way to do this is to rotate your shoes so that you do not wear the same shoes every day.
  • When you are at the pool or the gym, you should wear sandals or shower shoes to prevent having to walk barefoot on the tile floor.

Athlete's Foot OverviewIf you become infected with athlete’s foot, you can consider several ways of treating it. There are natural treatments that many people find very useful. You can consider applying vitamin E to the irritated area to relieve pain and itching. You may also consider trying a supplement called acidophilus which is mixed into a glass of water. You take this supplement in the morning and the evening. There are types of bacteria that you can use to supplement your diet. Some bacteria will help you restore a normal amount of healthy bacteria in your body, which will improve your overall health.

If a natural remedy is not for you, you may consider an over-the-counter treatment for your fungal infections.

There are topical creams available at pharmacies which include the ingredient clotrimazole. This ingredient is one of the most common ingredients in controlling fungal infections.

If you have athlete’s foot, you will do well to follow the precautionary tips provided above to help you clear it up and avoid reinfection. You should, however, avoid brushing your feet when you have athlete’s foot because it will cause more irritation to the area.

Treating Athlete’s Foot Naturally

Treating Athlete’s Foot Naturally

If you’ve ever experienced a bout of athlete’s foot, you know what an uncomfortable nuisance it is. Symptoms can range from mild itching to burning sensations on the feet and even tissue damage if it is left untreated. The key to getting rid of athlete’s foot is to treat it early on. Don’t ignore it and don’t aggravate it. Believe it or not, athlete’s foot is actually derived from a fungus. That being said, a fungus will thrive in the appropriate conditions. Similarly, it will die if deprived of an ideal habitat, and so it’s all about creating anti-fungal conditions in order to get rid of your case of athlete’s foot.

Treating Athlete's Foot NaturallyConventionally, your doctor will most likely prescribe some sort of medicated powder or gel that you will apply daily with the desired effect being that your athlete’s foot will be cleared within a couple of weeks. In a lot of cases this is an adequate solution and does indeed clear up the problem. However, due to the fact that these over-the-counter medicines are unnatural and manufactured, they can actually have an adverse effect on the body. Manufactured medicines contain chemicals that are often harsh on your skin and the burning sensation that you feel from your athlete’s foot could just be replaced with a different burning feeling, caused by the chemicals. Caution is always advised when considering taking any new medication, especially manufactured ones and especially ones you apply to your skin.

Treating Athlete's Foot NaturallyThere are many alternatives available to remedy your athlete’s foot. Firstly, you should consider how to upset the ideal conditions for the fungus to grow in. The fungus thrives in warm, damp conditions, hence why it is most commonly found on the feet and groin area. So in order to treat it, it could be as simple as ensuring you wash your feet regularly, wear clean cotton socks and clean shoes that are changed daily. It is also important that you expose your feet to sunlight regularly and avoid having them in closed shoes all the time. Skin needs to breath and this applies to whole body, including your feet. These personal hygiene habits, accompanied by the use of tea tree oil have proven to be very good at clearing up athlete’s foot.

This oil is available in most health shops and is most effective in a pure 100% extract. A thin coating of oil applied directly to the feet every day should clear up the fungus within a couple of weeks. Using this method has the added benefit of assurance that you are using natural ingredients on your skin, so you don’t have to worry about any severe chemical reactions.

Too often people turn to unnatural, manufactured medicines to treat athlete’s foot. Surely it is preferable to simply look at rectifying hygiene issues, throwing out your old running shoes and buying some new socks rather than applying a cream that contains chemicals that may cause damage to your skin. Athlete’s foot can be cured through natural means and you should consider these before resorting to the over-the-counter treatment options.

Thornton and Ross Mycota Review

This is a review of Thornton & Ross Mycota foot cream and powder. The manufacturer claims that this product is effective for both the treatment and prevention of athlete’s foot. This treatment is supposed to be effective and offers a combination of a cream and powder treatment. In order to successfully use this product, one is required to use either the powder on its own or the cream in combination with the powder on a daily basis. Read on to find out how well this product really works.


  • Zinc undecylenate 20% w/w
  • Undecylenic acid 2% w/w
  • maize starch
  • light kaolin
  • perfume

The active ingredients are zinc undecylenate and undecylenic acid. Undecylenic acid is a fatty acid that prevents the growth of the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. Zinc reduces the swelling and irritation caused by this fungus.


For the treatment of an active athlete’s foot infection, the manufacturer indicates the application of both the cream and the powder to the affected area and the immediately surrounding area twice a day– morning and evening. This application should continue for one week after the symptoms of the infection have subsided. For the prevention of athlete’s foot, it is recommended to either apply the powder once a day or to apply both the cream and the powder on a daily basis.

Possible Side Effects

The use of this product may cause skin irritation, including redness and itching. A serious allergic reaction to this medication is possible, although rare. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include a rash, itching or swelling of the face, tongue or throat, and difficulty breathing. In a study conducted on the active ingredients in this product that included 151 patients, none reported side effects. However, please note that this product contains perfume, which may increase the risk of an allergic reaction in patients who are allergic to ingredients found in perfume. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience any possible symptoms of an allergic reaction.


A 70g tube of Mycota powder is available online for £3.49. A 25g tube of Mycota cream is available online for £2.49. No other products containing these ingredients are listed. The price is about average when compared to other products that claim to treat athlete’s foot. Some customers have reported that this product is difficult to find in stores, but it is easily available online.


The manufacturer does not offer a guarantee for this product. Since this product requires a prescription, in the case of lack of effectiveness, you may want to pay another visit to your physician for an alternative option.


Customer reviews of this product are generally positive, reporting almost immediate relief of itching and an improvement of the infection in a short time. Customers have also reported this product to be significantly more effective than other similar products. However due to lack of a solid money back guarantee and the low concentration of the main active ingredients, we still had some questions about the basic quality of this formula.

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Oregavit Wild Oregano Oil Review

This is a review of Orgavit Wild Oregano Oil. The manufacturer claims that this product is 99% effective in the treatment of athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. The product is supposed to have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, making it effective in the treatment of candida, the leading cause of foot infections. Read on for an evaluation of the expected effectiveness of this product based on active ingredients and customer reviews.


This product contains:

  • Origanum Vulgare Oil (Oregano)
  • Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
  • PrunusDulcis (Almond) Oil
  • Tocopherol(Vitamin E)

Origanum Vulgare is an essential oil derived from the Wild Mediterranean species of the oregano plant. The product claims to contain up to 86% Carvacrol, the active component in oregano, which is supposed to be an antifungal agent. There is scientific evidence that Carvacrol kills candida albicans, but there has been no testing of its effectiveness involving human subjects. There is far more objective information available on the internal use of oregano oil supplements, but that information does not address the effectiveness of oregano as an antifungal agent.


It is recommended to apply this product all over the feet, including toenails and in between the toes, twice a day for three weeks. There is no clear information available on the actual amount of either oregano oil or Carvacrol needed to treat toenail fungus. Also, the labeling specifies “up to” 86% Carvacrol, which is troublingly ambiguous.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer provides no information regarding possible side effects. Additionally, no information is readily available on the topical application of this product or of oregano oil in general. However, because oregano is in the Lamiaceae family of plants which also includes basil, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, mint, and sage, people who are allergic to this family of plants may be subject to an allergic reaction.


Orgavit Wild Oregano Oil is available online for $9.90 for a .33fl.oz/10ml bottle. Prices for similar products vary widely, but this seems to be on the more expensive side.


The manufacturer does not offer a guarantee for this product. This is troublesome, as the product claims to be 99% effective with no objective, credible evidence to support this claim.


While other sellers of oregano oil claim that it is effective for the treatment of toenail fungus, no credible or objective evidence is available that backs up this claim. Because of the lack of scientific proof of Carvacrol’s effectiveness in treating candida infections in humans and a lack of consumer reviews, the claims of the manufacturer cannot be verified. The manufacturer also admits that a permanent, long-lasting solution requires the treatment of the internal cause of the fungal infection. It should be noted that there are no specific claims that oregano oil does not work for the treatment of athlete’s foot, and there are many enthusiastic, if unsubstantiated, testimonies in support of this treatment. Therefore, this product may be a good choice for someone who strongly desires to use a natural remedy rather than a pharmaceutical one. However, for those seeking a more scientifically-verified remedy, this product may not be the best choice.

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Natureplex Athlete’s Foot Cream Review

This is a review of Natureplex Athlete’s Foot Cream. The manufacturer claims that this product will cure athlete’s foot caused by most types of fungus. They also claim that the cream will provide instant relief for the symptoms of athlete’s foot while moisturizing and soothing the skin. Read on to find out is this is athlete’s foot treatment is right for you.


This product contains:

  • Clotrimazole 1%
  • Aloe barbadensis (aloe) leaf juice
  • carbomer
  • cetyl alcohol
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • glyceryl monostearate
  • isopropyl alcohol
  • methylparaben
  • mineral oil
  • polysorbate 20
  • propylparaben
  • purified water
  • stearic acid
  • triethanolamine
  • trisodium EDTA

The active ingredient is Clotrimazole, which is an azole antifungal that inhibits the growth of certain types of fungus, including athlete’s foot, ringworm, and thrush.

Because it contains aloe, this cream will likely provide at least temporary relief from the irritation of athlete’s foot.


The product is to be applied twice daily (morning and night) in a thin layer on the affected area for 4 weeks. For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry your feet and then wear clean, dry socks.

Possible Side Effects

Possible side effects of Clotrimazole include burning, itching, redness, swelling, and peeling at the site of application. The manufacturer of this particular Clotrimazole product does not list these side effects specifically but recommends contacting your physician if you experience irritation while using it.


This product is available online for as little as $3.99 for three 1.25 oz. tubes. The vendor offering it at this price claims that this is an 87% discount on the regular list price. Another vendor offers a single 1.25 oz. tube for 88 cents.

Other products containing Clotrimazole are significantly more expensive. The low price of this product may reflect a lack of quality. Some customer reviews complain that it does not work at all as it is a “cheap” product. The majority of customer reviews, however, praise this product as being a great treatment option.


According to their website, Natureplex offers a satisfaction guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied you may return the unused portion of the tube for a full refund of the purchase price. However, given the very low cost of this product, going to the trouble of returning it to the manufacturer is probably not worth the time or shipping cost.


The active ingredient in this product, Clotrimazole, has been shown in clinical studies to be somewhat less effective in treating athlete’s foot than other antifungals. The price of this particular product suggests that it is of low quality compared to other Clotrimazole creams. Some customer reviews claim that the product does not work at all, while others say it works quickly and very well. This variation may be due to different types of fungus or improper use of the product. Because the price is so low and it is available over the counter, it may be worth it to try this product before trying more expensive alternatives or visiting a physician to obtain a prescription.

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Elite Sportz Equipment Foot and Shoe Odor Spray Review

This is a review of Elite Sportz Equipment Foot and Shoe Odor Spray. The manufacturer claims that this product will get rid of foot odor while moisturizing feet. The product is also supposed to alleviate itchy and irritated feet. It also helps treat dry, cracked feet and helps fight athlete’s foot. Read on to find out if this product is right for your foot care needs.


This product contains:

  • Agua
  • Aloe Barbadensis (Organic Aloe Vera)
  • Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Water (Organic)
  • Glycerin (USP)**
  • Allantoin
  • Cetearyl Olivate
  • Sorbitan Olivate
  • Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil
  • Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil
  • Menthol
  • Capsicum Frutescens
  • Arginine
  • Xanthan Gum
  • Matricaria recutita (Chamomile) Flower Extract
  • Camellia Sinensis Extract
  • Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract (Red Tea)
  • Hamamelis Virginiana Distillate (Witch Hazel)
  • Symphytum Officinale (Comfrey) Extract
  • Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Extract
  • Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract
  • Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion) Extract
  • Boswellia Carterii Oil
  • Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E)
  • Azadirachta Indica (Organic Neem) Seed Oil
  • Commiphora Myrrha (Myrrh) Oil
  • Citrus Bergamia (Bergamot) Oil
  • Lavandula Hybrida Abrialis (Lavender) Oil
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Benzyl Alcohol
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

The manufacturer claims that all the ingredients are natural and organic. While none of the ingredients are specified to be active ingredients, the product description on the company’s website implies that the essential oils are effective for the treatment of foot odor, foot irritation, and athlete’s foot. In particular, the manufacturer specifies that tea tree and lavender have antiseptic properties, and that customers have successfully treated athlete’s foot with this product due to these ingredients.


The manufacturer does not provide specific instructions for application. The general guidlines for using essential oils to treat athlete’s foot state that they should be applied twice daily. For the most effective treatment of skin irritations and foot ache, the manufacturer recommends storing the product in the refrigerator.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer’s website does not list any possible side effects. In general, prolonged skin contact with essential oils may cause skin irritation or sun sensitivity. Studies have shown that there is a possibility that lavender oil may have hormone-like effects similar to estrogen and may decrease or inhibit the function of androgens, or male sex hormones. The long-term skin application of lavender oil has been linked to breast enlargement in prepubescent boys.


This product is available online on the manufacturer’s website for $14.97. This is significantly more expensive than other foot odor sprays but is comparable to products intended to treat athlete’s foot.


The manufacturer’s website says that it offers a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.


This product is intended primarily for the treatment of foot odor and irritation, while claiming to also help fight athlete’s foot. The product does not contain any specific antifungal treatments but rather relies on the effectiveness of a combination of essential oils. There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of essential oils for athlete’s foot, although there are wide-spread reports that lavender oil and tea tree oil provide effective relief. Customer reviews for this product regarding the treatment of foot odor and irritation are overwhelmingly positive. Very few reviews regarding the treatment of athlete’s foot are available but affirm its effectiveness. While there is no actual scientific evidence that this product has antifungal properties, it may not be worth a try.

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Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot

They say your ears start to burn when someone’s talking about you. They say that if you don’t like to stay in one place then you have itchy feet. So what if you can feel the burning and the itching, but both occur on your feet? What does that mean? That people are talking about your restless nature? Perhaps. But a more likely explanation of this discomfort is that you have a case of athlete’s foot. Now I know what you’re thinking, “That can’t be right, I haven’t played any sport in years. Must be something else”. The truth is, anyone can develop athlete’s foot, it is not exclusively for the keen sportsmen and women among us.

Athlete's FootAthlete’s foot is a condition derived from a fungus. You might find that hard to believe, but a quick science lesson on trichophyton will tell you that yes, it is a fungus that thrives in warm and moist conditions, hence why it is prominent between toes and around the groin area. Given the right conditions it will grow, and continue to grow until the conditions are improved and made less favourable.

Symptoms can vary from mild to severe, and you might not experience, or notice them at first. From itching, stinging and burning of the feet, to blisters that can develop into sores if neglected.

Athlete's FootIt is fair to say that athlete’s fFoot is a condition that is very much in the patient’s own hands as well as on their feet. If treated early enough, you can avoid complications that would result in a trip to your doctor.

Because it is a fungus, it will attack the body in weak areas, so if you protect these areas then you can rid yourself of the condition. The key is in proper preparation and proper hygiene. Simple stuff. Clean and dry socks and shoes, and change them regularly. Be sure to choose breathable materials when buying socks and shoes. It’s all about creating a comfortable environment for you and your body, and an unsuitable environment for the fungus.

Of course, there are some medicated foot powders and anti-fungal creams on the market which, if used correctly, will clear up your athlete’s foot. These may take up to 1-2 weeks to take effect, however, and of course you have to be careful that the product is suitable for you body and won’t do more harm than good.

In extreme circumstances, where the patient’s condition has worsened, perhaps due to it being ignored or handled inappropriately, then a course of antibiotics may be required. This however, can all be avoided. Our feet are one of the most neglected parts of our body, which seems wrong considering we use them so much and depend on them for so much in our lives. Without fully functioning feet our lives are very restricted. It’s simple. Pay attention to your feet, treat them well and they will serve you well for the rest of your life.

Crystalline Salts Foot and Shoe Deodorizer Spray Review

The following is a review for the Foot and Shoe Deodorizer Spray which is manufactured by Crystalline Salts. The spray claims to both prevent the growth of bacteria that causes odors on your feet and in your shoes. Read on to learn whether this spray is right for you.


The ingredients listed for the Foot and Shoe Deodorizer Spray include:

  • Water
  • Ammonium Alum (Natural Crystallized Salts)
  • Baking Soda (Kosher Certified)
  • Clove oil
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Rosemary oil

All of the essential oils included in the ingredients are organic, non-toxic and BPA free. This product is also free of paraben, alcohol and aluminum chlorohydrate.

The Ammonium Alum claims to prevent the growth of the bacteria. This is a popular natural alternative to chemical deodorants.

Baking soda has long been used as a natural deodorant.

Eucalyptus, cinnamon and clove oils are popular ingredients for natural deodorants because they claim to stunt bacteria growth.

Clove oil is often used to solve problems with upset stomach as well as toothaches. One of its chemicals may possibly decrease pain.

Eucalyptus oil is used for many purposes but often for respiratory infections such as asthma and bronchitis.


To use the spray, spray on both your feet and the insides of your shoes.

Possible Side Effects

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the product, consult your doctor before use.

Consult your doctor before using this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Cinnamon oil is known to cause premature labor or contractions in some women.

Rosemary oil is toxic if it is ingested so use the product according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Eucalyptus oil is probably unsafe for use in children, consult your doctor before you use this product on your child.


A bottle of Crystalline Salts’ Foot and Shoe Deodorizer Spray costs $16.99 and is available from the manufacturer and Amazon. Amazon lists the bottle as being four ounces. However, the manufacturer’s site lists the bottle as being eight ounces. It is not clear what the dosage for this product is or how long the spray will last.


Crystalline Salts offers a money back guarantee if you discover that the product does not satisfy your needs. However, on Amazon it is noted that returns will not be accepted if it is discovered that the safety seal is broken. The reviews on Amazon have mostly been positive but they seem to be from people who are looking for deodorant.


Foot and Shoe Deodorizer Spray is manufactured by Crystalline Salts and claims to be an all natural deodorant for both your feet and shoes. All of the ingredients are natural or organic and the product says that it is non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, free of chemicals and not tested on animals. While the product is a natural treatment, both the price and the guarantee are unclear. Amazon and the manufacturer’s website state two different things and it is difficult to know how much it costs or if you can return it. Also, this product does not seem to be designed for people who have odor from fungal infections, like athlete’s foot.

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