Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete’s Foot

Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete’s Foot

An athlete’s foot infection is actually a fungal infection. If you have athlete’s foot you will normally find that your feet become red and irritated and that you suffer from cracked or flaky skin in between your toes. If you do not treat your athlete’s foot, you may find that the infection may become a recurring issue. Treating athlete’s foot is not complicated and there are both natural home remedies as well as over-the-counter treatments that you can use to treat fungal infections and prevent recurrences.

Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete's FootOne of the most popular natural remedies is to mix water, apple cider vinegar, colloidal silver and moisturizer. You begin by soaking your infected feet in a mixture of four parts of water for one part vinegar for around half an hour. Then you should dry both feet thoroughly. After this, you should rub colloidal silver all over your feet, especially in between your toes. After you allow this to dry completely, you should use a moisturizer. When looking for a moisturizer, you might consider oil from garlic, tea tree oil, olive oil or sesame oil.

It is the reaction of the colloidal silver and the vinegar that will help to remove and treat athlete’s foot from your feet.

The moisturizer is essential because it will allow your feet to heal. You should perform this treatment on your feet twice a day. This treatment may remove fungal infections in only a few days. If you suffer from common recurrences, you should repeat this treatment at least once a week even when you do not notice any symptoms. While using colloidal silver is not required, it is a recommended ingredient because it will help the natural remedy heal your feet faster.

If this remedy does not appeal to you, you can try one of many other popular remedies for athlete’s foot:

  • Home Remedies to Eliminate Athlete's FootYou might consider applying a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the affected area after you have had a shower or a bath. You might also choose to follow this application with some apple cider vinegar. You should always moisturize after you apply these treatments.
  • Use baking soda as an effective method of drying the feet and preventing dampness in your shoes.
  • Wash your feet very well and dry them using a hair dryer to make sure they are completely dry. Ensure you dry in between your toes as well as the tops and soles of your feet.
  • If you can find them, try boiling gallberry roots and then soaking both feet in the cooled solution. Try this daily for about a week.
  • Try using tea tree oil on your feet to help remove fungal infections. You may also try using sesame oil on your feet twice each day to help cure athlete’s foot.
  • Boil water and brew 6 black tea bags in the water before soaking both feet in it for half an hour to an hour. The acid in the tea may provide relief from skin irritation.
  • Wash non-colored socks in bleach to kill any fungus spores living on your socks. You should also regularly wash your shoes. Make sure your socks and shoes are dry before you wear them again.
  • Finally, try to avoid using soap with anti-bacterial properties so that you do not kill any beneficial bacteria.

Why Heels Crack

Why Heels Crack

Dry, callused skin is one of the main culprits behind the skin on our heels cracking. If the problem becomes exceptionally severe, cracks, also called fissures, can cause extreme pain and make your feet bleed. Things to look out for is skin that is peeling and cracked, growing hard, flaky, calloused, or dark and yellowing. It is important to take heel fissures seriously as they may open up ways for fungi and bacteria to get under your skin, which can lead to more severe problems like athlete’s foot or even a nasty bacterial infection.We all know how uncomfortable dry and cracked skin can be. Now let’s look at the reasons behind this issue.Why Heels Crack


If you often wear shoes that do not cover your heel or are thin-soled, you may be increasing the chances that your heels will crack. These open-heeled shoes, like flip flops, make the feet swell. This puts more pressure on the heels and makes it easier for the skin to crack. Thus, thin-soled, open-heeled shoes should be worn sparingly.

Another culprit behind cracked heels are shoes that do not fit properly. If your shoes are too tight, they might be rubbing up against your skin, which will often cause blisters. Blisters can very quickly transform into sore, bleeding, cracked heels. Thus, you always want to get shoes that fit your foot properly so air can circulate your feet and so the shoes do not rub against your skin. Good shoes will also keep your feet dry, which will help to prevent athlete’s foot.


If you often spend long periods standing on hard floors, you are more likely to get cracked feet. Prolonged standing creates pressure and friction on your feet, and this pressure can lead to fissures or sores that may bleed and feel painful. If your job requires you to stand for long time periods, wear appropriate shoes with enough cushioning and support.

Being Overweight

For people who are obese, merely standing will cause pressure that can lead to fissures on your feet. The increased pressure will make the pad on your heel expand. Skin needs to be flexible and supple, but if it’s not, the increased pressure will make the heels crack. Thus, those who are overweight need to buy good shoes to alleviate some of the pressure on their feet. Heel cups or pads can also stop heels from expanding.

Why Heels CrackPre-existing Conditions

Those who suffer from thyroid conditions or diabetes are at an increased risk for foot fissures. First, poor circulation to the lower extremities will increase the likelihood of all sorts of feet issues. Mainly, these illnesses can make sweat glands inactive, which will make the skin dry. If you have dry skin, you will obviously have a higher incident of fissures appearing on your heels.

Athlete’s foot, heel spurs, and flat feet may also lead to foot fissures. Also, conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also crack the feet or heels. Again, moisturizing your feet can help to alleviate foot dryness.

If you do have a serious medical condition and often suffer from dry feet, it is imperative that you contact your podiatrist.

Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your Home

Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your Home

Fungal infections of the toenails and athlete’s foot are just two common types of fungal foot infections. There are many prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments for these infections, but there are also some remedies using home products that can also relieve your suffering. Please note, though, that these home remedies should only be used on mild fungal foot infections. If you have a severe infection, you need to see a doctor right away. Also, if you are diabetic or a woman who is pregnant or nursing, you should also talk to a physician before trying one of these treatments.

Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your HomeMustard Powder

Mustard powder is acidic, and fungi hate acidic environments. Thus, some mustard powder can quickly eliminate a fungus. To create your foot soak, simply add 1 teaspoon of powder to a tub of warm water. Immerse your feet for half an hour. Do this soak every evening and morning until the infection disappears. While powder is best, if you don’t have any, mustard oil is an acceptable alternative.

Salt Soak

People have been soaking their feet in salt water for years, and it is an excellent way to soothe your feet after they have battled a bout of athlete’s foot. Simply add two teaspoons of salt to one quart of warm water. Immerse your feet for at least 5 minutes and no more than 10 minutes. Feel free to do this soak a few times a day until the infection subsides.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can ease the itching, burning, and stinging symptoms that are a signature sign of fungal foot infections. Since this soothes the itching, baking soda can help heal your infection faster because you won’t be irritating it by constantly scratching your feet.Cure Foot Fungus With Products in Your Home

Put one tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl and stir in warm water until a paste forms. Then, wipe the paste over the infection, paying special attention to the skin between your toes. Air dry the area for at least five minutes and then rinse your feet in cool water. Make sure your towel is clean before drying your feet. Then, dust your feet with cornstarch to absorb sweat and moisture that will encourage further fungal growth. This treatment can be performed at least three times each day until the infection disappears.


Live cultures contained in unsweetened plain yogurt can wipe out fungal foot infections. This bacterial culture is called acidophilus, and it destroys the fungus that is plaguing your feet. Simply use a cotton ball or swab to wipe the yogurt over the infected areas. Allow the yogurt to dry. When it’s dry, use warm water to rinse it off. You can do this as many as three times every day.

Tea Tree Oil

There are antiseptic elements in tea tree oil, and these properties can kill fungal foot infections. You can use the oil in a few different ways. If the fungus is inside your toenails, you can put a small amount of the oil onto the spots on your nails that are discolored. This can be done several times throughout the day. For athlete’s foot or some other skin-based infection, mix one part of aloe vera to three parts of tea tree oil. Massage the mixture onto your infected skin twice a day. It may take up to eight weeks for the tea tree oil to wipe out the fungal foot infection. Make sure you are patient!

Home Remedies for Itching Feet

Home Remedies for Soothing Itching Feet

While chronic diseases and other factors can make feet itch, the most common reasons for itchy feet are that they are too moist, or, conversely, too dry. These issues are easy to solve with home remedies.

However, you should note that there are times when you will need to call your general care physician or podiatrist. Painful blisters or skin that is smelly, scaly, red, or severely cracked should be cause for concern. Additionally, if you are showing symptoms of a fungal infection, like athlete’s foot, you will also want to visit your physician as these sorts of infections can turn into more serious bacterial infections.

Usually, though, itchy feet can be cured at home with a few simple ingredients.

Home Remedies for Soothing Itching FeetWalnut Hulls

There are many walnut hull recipes that can help you put together a moisturizer to alleviate the itching associated with dry feet. One such recipe is to mix together a cup of water and a teaspoon of ground walnut hulls. Simmer in a saucepan at medium heat for half an hour. After that, pour the mixture through a mesh sieve to strain it. While it’s still warm, pour half of a cup on your feet. Then, dry them with a towel, preferably an old one as the mixture may stain. Add eucalyptus oil (5 drops), tea tree oil (10 drops), and calendula oil (3 tablespoons) to the remaining liquid. You should then massage your feet with the mixture.

Please note, walnut hulls have not been approved by the FDA to treat athlete’s foot.


A saltwater soak can sometimes alleviate irritation and stop itching. You should mix salt (2 teaspoons) with warm water (2 cups). Pour the liquid into a tub and soak your feet for five to ten minutes. You can soak feet once an hour until the itching eases. Again, please note that the FDA has not approved saltwater as a treatment option for fungal infections.

Baking Soda

Home Remedies for Soothing Itching FeetA baking soda paste has also been known to help stop the discomfort and burning associated with itchy feet. To make the paste, add one tablespoon of baking soda to two to three teaspoons of water. Stir the mixture until it turns into a paste.Wipe the paste over the feet and make sure you saturate each part of your foot, especially the skin in between your toes. Let the paste dry for five to ten minutes. Then, put your feet under cool water to rinse off the paste. Dry your feet with a towel. Then, dust your feet with cornstarch to remove any lingering moisture. Fungi love damp feet, so you want to make sure that you’re keeping yours cool and dry to avoid further fungal infections.

As with all of the remedies discussed here, the FDA has not approved baking soda as a treatment for fungal foot infections. However, it will give you temporary relief from itching.

If the itching continues, or if the problem worsens, it is important to see your doctor right away as the condition may transform into something more serious, like a bacterial infection.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Infections

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin Infections

Those who have suffered from jock itch or athlete’s foot know all too well that curing these infections can seem to take forever. Both are caused by fungi. Another illness caused by a fungus is yeast infections. A yeast infection crops up due to the fungus candida albicans. It will usually appear in the mucous membranes of the vagina or mouth. However, candida albicans can also lie in skin creases, especially if a person has diabetes, is taking antibiotics, or is overweight. The usual treatment for fungal skin infections is external creams and powders, many of which can be purchased over-the-counter. This treatment does not work for all types of fungi, though. For these, oral anti fungal medication will be necessary.

Another way to speed up healing is by taking herbs known to treat fungal skin infections. It is very important to first discuss these with your physician, especially if you are on any other medications.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin InfectionsChamomile

Chamomile is an annual flower that is often found in gardens because of its sweet smell and appearance. They look like daisies. Chamomile has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. As soon as the plant blooms, the flower is picked to make creams, teas, capsules, and tinctures.

While chamomile is generally used as a sleep aid, it also has some properties that can wipe out fungi. To treat infections, consider drinking chamomile tea throughout the day. Also, you can place your teabag or any leftover tea on the infected areas.

As with all herbal remedies, it is important to discuss chamomile with your physician, and you should not use it if you take blood thinners, other sedatives or if you are pregnant.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera has also been used for thousands of years. As anyone who has had a sunburn knows, aloe vera is a gel that is inside the leaves of succulents. It is excellent for getting rid of fungal skin infections. The juice has also been put in drinks to help get rid of candida albicans infections. Aloe vera works by getting your white blood cells to attack the infection. As with chamomile, it is important to take aloe vera only after discussing it with your doctor. Those who have kidney or liver diseases and women who are nursing or pregnant should not take aloe vera.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin InfectionsThyme

A member of the mint family, thyme has an instantly recognizable scent. It has long been used  in herbal treatments and as a culinary spice. It is the leaves that are used as medicine. Thyme treats athlete’s foot and other fungal skin infections. It is generally administered in a tea, tincture, or capsule.

Thyme contains a chemical that strengthens skin proteins that will create a stronger barrier against fungi. As with other herbal supplements, be sure to contact your doctor to make sure you are using it properly. Also, thyme should not be used by those who suffer from duodenal ulcers or women who are pregnant.


One of the best foods for treating and preventing fungal skin infections is garlic. It adds a pungent taste to food and has also been used as a medicine since ancient times. Fresh garlic contains a chemical called allicin that can wipe out fungi. Taking a 4,000 mcg or 5,000 mcg of a garlic supplement can completely eliminate a skin infection caused by the candida albicans fungus. Before taking a garlic supplement, you will want to consult your physician, especially if you are on blood thinners or pregnant.