Zema Cream Review

In the following review you can learn more about an anti-fungal product called Zema Cream. This product is a cream designed to treat fungal infections which typically occur on one’s feet, such as the highly uncomfortable tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), tinea crucris (jock itch) and tinea corporis (ringworm). Any of these fungal infections can result in a plethora of painful symptoms such as burning, severe itching, cracking and scaling of the skin, and irritation. If you are interested in learning more about Zema Cream’s formula, pricing, and guarantee policy, keep on reading.


The inactive ingredients of Zema Cream are unknown, however the active ingredient that is used is clotrimazole. Clotrimazole has a long history of being used as an anti-fungal component. Being one of the most effective and most common of its kind, clotrimazole is present on the WHO’s list of essential ingredients, along with several other anti-fungal substances. Clotrimazole effectively blocks the production of fungal cell membranes by inhibiting one of their key components.


The dosage instructions for Zema Cream are slightly different from what you might have become accustomed to in regard to anti-fungal creams. As expected, the area you wish to treat must be attentively cleaned and dried before usage. Once this step is done, proceed to apply a thin layer of Zema Cream to the infected skin, and massage it in. This way the cream can get to, and disinfect the pores. Zema Cream must be applied two to three times daily for two to four weeks, with an additional two weeks added after the infection has disappeared. If there is no sign of improvement within 2 weeks, it is suggested to talk with a doctor.

Possible Side Effects

Due to the composition of Zema Cream, it is possible to suffer from certain side effects if you happen to be allergic to any of the ingredients used. Strangely enough, the negative side effects of this product are very similar to the symptoms it claims to cure. If you use Zema Cream, and are allergic to it, expect to experience rashes, irritation or burning on and around the treated area. On a side note, you should keep the cream away from your face, and children younger than 2 years of age.


As Zema Cream is available from various resellers, no universal price is set. When purchased from Amazon, a 10 gram tube will cost you $8.50 + $4.00 in shipping. This is ludicrously high compared to the competition.


Like we mentioned before, Zema Cream can be bought from multiple sources, and the manufacturer has no control over distribution, therefore there is no universal guarantee policy in place. You will need to refer to the policy of the seller you choose to buy the product from. To make things worse, the various Amazon listings for the product are completely devoid of user reviews.


Zema Cream is an effective anti-fungal product with a strong active ingredient and convenient usage instructions. However, these positive aspects cannot save it from its high price and a lack of both a guarantee and customer reviews prevent us from being able to recommend it.

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Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment Review

If you are interested in learning more about the product Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment, and want to know more details about its formula and price, then you’ve found the right review. Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment is a product which claims to eliminate any and all odor caused by foot perspiration. Another bonus of Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment is that it is effective for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections known colloquially as athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), as well as the uncomfortable symptoms that come with it, such as rashes, cracking or scaling of the skin due to profuse perspiration. If you wish to know more about the ingredients and guarantee policy, make sure to continue reading this review.


  • Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate
  • Monoglycrin
  • Alcohol-free base

Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment uses Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate as its primary key ingredient. This substance has long been used in the antiperspirant industry, since it can effectively decrease sweating by altering the behavior of sweat gland cells. The other active ingredient, monoglycrin, is used to facilitate skin penetration, allowing the substance to seep under the primary dermal layer, which is how it achieves its long lasting effect. The base contains neither alcohol nor any scent, this way it will not interfere with perfume or cologne.


Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment is a user-friendly product which places customer convenience above all else. The product is to be applied before bedtime so that it can exact its effect overnight, this way the usage of the product may remain private and discrete. The feet must be washed before use, and completely dried, as Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment reacts with water. Three or four sprays of the substance should be applied to the target area, and rubbed into the skin. Don’t wash off the spray. Leave it on for the night, because this way you feet will remain odorless throughout the next day.

Possible Side Effects

Due to the presence of aluminium compounds, many people may be prone to allergic reactions or other uncomfortable side effects. These may include skin irritation, rashes, burning sensation or general discomfort. Ironically, these are identical to the symptoms Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment seeks to cure in the first place, so if you have an allergy to aluminium, avoid using this product.


In the case of Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment, you’re paying more for the brand than you are for the product. Purchasing from Amazon, you have to pay $21.50 plus a $4.75 in shipping for a single 2.5 ounce bottle, which makes this the most overpriced product of its kind.


Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment, just like any Monray product, features a 100% risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee for customers who may not be satisfied.


Monray Antiperspirant Foot Treatment is an effective product with strong ingredients backed by a reassuring guarantee. Unfortunately, however, the high price is a strong negative, and the use of aluminium is odd, since nowadays it is commonly known that it isn’t the best for your health, and more effective alternatives exist.

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Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder Review

If you want to find out everything there is to know about Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder, then this is the review for you. Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder claims to effectively stop the spread of various fungal infections, which affect the feet, such as ringworm (tinea corporis) and athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). It also eliminates the nasty symptoms associated with these infections, such as the sensation of burning, rashes, skin irritation or cracking and general discomfort. If you’re interested in Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder’s ingredients, price and guarantee, then you should continue reading this review.


  • Monazole Nitrate (2%)
  • Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) gel
  • Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate
  • Isopropyl Myristate
  • Propylene Carbonate
  • SD Alcohol 40 B (10% w/w)
  • Sorbitan Monolaurate
  • Stearalkonium Hectorite
  • Propellant: Isobutane/Propane

Monazole Nitrate is an anti-fungal compound is among the most effective and renowned anti-fungal agents used in medical science today. This is proven by its place on the World Health Organisation’s list of essential medicines. It works in an identical manner as all other modern anti-fungal substances, by inhibiting the production of a key component of fungal cell membranes. The inclusion of aloe vera helps to decrease the sensation of burning around the infected areas as well as helping to treat the rashes and irritation. The usage of the listed propellants may be a source of side effects since there is a wide range of people who suffer allergic reactions when coming in contact with them.


As is the case with all other anti-fungal products, the usage instructions for Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder are easy to follow. The target area should be washed and dried thoroughly before application. Once this is done, apply a thin layer of the powder to the skin and massage it in. This process should be repeated at least twice per day (each morning and each evening), for four consecutive weeks. If the infection persists, seek medical consultation.

Possible Side Effects

The presence of certain ingredients may cause various allergic reactions. The ingredients in question are the propellants and the Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate. Users who are allergic to these substances may experience side effects such as skin irritation, rashes and burning. Ironically, these symptoms are the same ones that the product claims to cure. It is also advisable not to treat children younger than two years of age with this product, unless directed to do so by a doctor. Be careful to keep this product away from your face.


A 4 oz. can of Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder costs $10.22 if purchased from Amazon and this price also includes the shipping fee. There are no special offers or coupons available. 


Unfortunately there is no universal guarantee policy in place, since distribution is handled through authorized re-sellers. This should be a warning to customers that the product may not be effective. The user reviews on Amazon are generally positive, however there are a few dissenting opinions.


Desenex Antifungal Spray Powder is an effective product with powerful active ingredients and a convenient method of use, however the high price, risk of side effects and the lack of a guarantee urge caution and prevent us from recommending it.

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Ting Antifungal Spray Powder Review

In this review you can find out all the details about a product called Ting Antifungal Spray Powder. This product claims to provide quick relief to people suffering the painful symptoms of fungal infections, such as the sensation of burning, irritation, itching, cracking, scaling and chafing of the skin, and the general feel of discomfort. The powder also gets rid of the fungus which causes these infections, such as the tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), tinea curtis (jock itch) and tinea corpori (ringworm) species. If you are interested in the ingredients and pricing of Ting Antifungal Spray Powder, keep on reading to find out more.


  • Miconazole Nitrate (2%)
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Aluminum starch octenylsuccinate
  • Isopropyl myristate
  • Propylene carbonate
  • SD alcohol 40-B
  • Sorbitan monooleate
  • Stearalkonium hectorite
  • Isobutane
  • Butane
  • Propane

The active ingredient in Ting Antifungal Spray Powder, Miconazole Nitrate, is one of the most effective anti-fungal substances known to man, and works on the same basic principle as all other such substances. It can stop the infection from spreading, and eventually eliminate any fungal infection by inhibiting the production of one of the key components of the fungal cell membranes.


Much like the active ingredient, the instructions for this product are identical to any other anti-fungal agent. Once you have cleaned and dried the area you wish to treat with Ting Antifungal Spray Powder, apply a thin layer of the substance and massage it into the skin so that the product may clean out the pores as well as the surface of the treated skin. This procedure must be repeated at least twice every day for four consecutive weeks in order to eliminate an on-going infection. Should the infection survive the treatment, or in the case of unwarranted irritation occurring due to the use of Ting Antifungal Spray Powder, make sure to see a doctor. Keep away from the face and children under the age of 2.

Possible Side Effects

Once again, this section is pretty much the same as with any other anti-fungal powder or cream. The ingredients contain substances to which a large chunk of the population is allergic to, and these compounds may cause side effects which are identical to the very symptoms Ting Antifungal Spray Powder claims to cure. Allergic reactions may include burning, itching, scaling, cracking, irritation, rashes and discomfort. The main offender here is the aluminium. Aluminium allergy is among the most common in the world.


Ting Antifungal Spray Powder can be purchased from many re-sellers at different prices. For the purposes of this review, we looked at the Amazon listing, where a 4.5 ounce can of the product costs $6.09, with free shipping. Considering the average price of these products, this is fairly low for this size.


While there is no guarantee for this product, as the distribution isn’t handled by the manufacturer, the overwhelmingly positive customer reviews help put any concerns to rest.


Ting Antifungal Spray Powder is an effective, fairly priced product with positive customer reviews. However, we cannot overlook the lack of a guarantee, or the formula which is prone to causing painful side effects.

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3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390 Review

In this review you can find out all the information you need regarding 3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390. This is an industrial anti-fungal product which has been released for consumer purchase in a limited capacity. 3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390 eliminates the most common fungal infections such as candida albicans (yeast), tinea cruris (jock itch), tinea corporis (ringworm) and tinea pedis (athlete’s foot). It can also help with all the uncomfortable symptoms that these infections come with, such as burning, cracking and irritation. To learn more about the formula, pricing and guarantee of 3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390, continue reading this review.


  • Miconazole Nitrate
  • Cetyl Dimethicone
  • Isopropyl Palimate
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Polydimethylsiloxane
  • Zinc Oxide
  • White Mineral Oil (Petroleum)
  • Water

Miconazole is the main active ingredient in 3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390, and it is one of the most common and effective anti-fungal agents. It functions on the same basis as all other substances of this type. It basically prevents the spread of fungus and eventually eliminates it, by preventing the production of an enzyme which is essential for the creation of fungal cell membranes.


As is the case with the active ingredient, the application of 3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390 is identical to absolutely any other anti-fungal cream. Before you apply the cream to the infected skin, it must be washed and dried. Once this is done, apply a thin layer of 3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390, and gently massage it into the skin to avoid stinging the sensitive flesh. The cream should be applied two times a day, and the treatment should last four weeks if you are using the cream to eliminate an infection. If the fungus is still around after the four weeks are over, you should go and talk to a doctor. The same is suggested in the case of irritation.

Possible Side Effects

Once again, the side effects will be similar to the other anti-fungal products you might have encountered during your research. Unfortunately for those among you who are allergic to some of the ingredients, you may suffer from side effects that are just like the symptoms you are trying to get rid of in the first place. These allergic reactions may include rashes, irritation, and burning. It is recommended to keep the substance away from your face and eyes, and children younger than 2 years old should not be treated with it.


The product can be bought in packages of 12 units, each is a 5 ounce bottle. The whole pack costs $108.78, and shipping is free. Another purchasing option is to buy a single unit, which can be bought for $18.60.


As this product has been removed from industrial circulation, and there is no guarantee policy in place for private customers. The lack of customer reviews is also troubling.


3M Cavilon Antifungal Cream 3390 is an effective product with a strong formula and a fair price. The lack of a guarantee and customer reviews, however, are a concern, and we urge customers to opt for a product with proven success.

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Home Health Antifungal Lotion Review

The subject of this review is a product called Home Health Antifungal Lotion. This product is a primarily natural substance which can relieve you of fungal infections and their painful and uncomfortable symptoms such as the burning sensation felt near rashes, the cracking or scaling of skin caused by irritation, and the general discomfort a fungal infection can cause. These infections are caused by various species of fungus, such as tinea pedis, cruris, colloquially known as athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm, all of which are eliminated by Home Health Antifungal Lotion. If you are interested in further information regarding this product, then keep reading.


  • tolnaftate (1%)
  • almond oil
  • aloe vera gel
  • calendula oil
  • castor oil
  • cetyl alcohol
  • citricidal (grapefruit seed extract)
  • cocoa butter
  • diazolidinyl urea
  • lanolin oil
  • lavender oil
  • methylparaben
  • myrrh tincture
  • propylene glycol
  • propylparaben
  • rosemary oil
  • stearic acid
  • tea tree oil
  • thyme oil
  • triethanolamine
  • water

The key active ingredient in Home Health Antifungal Lotion is tolnaftate, which is one of the more common anti-fungal agents. It is widely used due to its effectiveness. The method it applies is identical to all other anti-fungal substances. Basically, tolnaftate prevents the further creation of fungal cell membranes by inhibiting the production of a key element used in the process. The extensive use of natural oils helps the product effectively soothe the feet, and nourish them, giving this product added benefits. It is not just a treatment of fungal infections.


Like with every other anti-fungal products currently available on the market, the usage instructions for Home Health Antifungal Lotion are fairly simple. You must wash and dry the infected area before applying a thin layer of the lotion. Rubbing the substance into the skin will increase effectiveness, as this way the substance can reach the pores. Take care not to bring the lotion in contact with your face or eyes. Children under the age of two should only be treated if instructed to do so by a doctor.

Possible Side Effects

Even more so than other similar products, Home Health Antifungal is prone to causing allergic reactions due to the high quantity of natural substances in the formula. The usual offenders are skin irritation, rashes, and pretty much every symptom the lotion is supposed to cure. Constant sneezing, eye irritation and breathing issues are just a few side effects that can occur when using this product. However, it must be noted that these cases are all extremely rare.


Home Health Antifungal can be purchased from many re-sellers. This review was created with information we found on Amazon, where a 4-ounce bottle costs $9.38. If your purchase exceeds $35, then you won’t need to pay for shipping.


Each re-seller enforces their own money-back policies, so getting a refund isn’t guaranteed when using this product. The customer reviews, of which there are many, are positive.


Home Health Antifungal is an effective and natural product with a fair price. The increased risk of side effects, combined with the lack of a guarantee policy prevented us from being able to wholeheartedly recommend this product.

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FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel Review

In this review, you can learn more about FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel. This product is a substance designed to relieve any of the uncomfortable symptoms that come with fungal infections, such as rashes, irritation, the cracking and chafing of skin, burning and general discomfort. FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel also cures fungal infections entirely, eliminating the spores which cause afflictions such as athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm. To find out more about FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel, continue reading this review.


  • Undecylenic Acid (25%)
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Hydroxypropylcellulose
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Vitamin E
  • Purified Water

FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel’s key active ingredient is Undecylenic Acid. This substance generally appears as a secondary active ingredient in many anti-fungal products, and its presence as the only active ingredient has us confused. Undecylenic Acid has its uses against fungus, however it is significantly less effective than most others similar substances. Typical anti-fungal substances attack the fungal cell membrane, however Undecylenic Acid prevents the formation of Hyphae, which is the infectious incarnation of the fungal spores. This tactic is much less fruitful than the method of attacking the membrane. The inclusion of Aloe Vera, on the other hand, is a smart move, as it prevents the typical side effects of extreme stinging when any substance is applied to the skin that has become infected by tinea cruris, resulting in jock itch.


This is where the differences between this and other anti-fungal agents end. The application of FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel is as simple as it gets. You need to thoroughly wash the target area, and dry it before the application of the gel. Once this step is complete, you should rub a thin layer of the gel into your skin, as to allow it to clean the pores as well as the skin’s surface. It is recommended to apply the product at least twice a day. If you are using FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel to treat an on-going infection, use it for four weeks. If you see no progress, visit a doctor.

Possible Side Effects

Though extremely rare, FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel has been known to cause side effects which are virtually identical to the symptoms of fungal infection, however the same can be said of other similar fungus treatment products. Some people are allergic to anti-fungal ingredients, and coming into contact with Undecylenic Acid will cause the skin to crack and burn, resulting in irritation.


Buying a single 0.35 ounce tube from Amazon will cost you $6.99, with free shipping if your purchase is over $35. There is an option for a monthly subscription, where the price is reduced to $5.94, but this is still extremely expensive.


The manufacturer offers no form of a money-back guarantee, and the customer reviews are mixed.


FungiCure Anti-Fungal Liquid Gel is an effective product with a low risk of side effects and comes with simple application instructions. However, the quaint choice of ingredients and the considerably high price, coupled with the lack of a guarantee urge caution.

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Remedy Antifungal Powder Review

In this review, you can find out everything there is to know about Remedy Antifungal Powder. Remedy Antifungal Powder is a product which claims to be an effective solution to all the common fungal infections many people tend to suffer from.

These include jock itch, ringworm and athlete’s foot. All carry a plethora of uncomfortable side effects such as burning and irritation, cracking and chafing of the skin, and other general discomforts that fungus bring with them. If you are curious about this product, make sure to read our full review.


  • Miconazole Nitrate (2%)
  • Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice
  • Corn Starch/Acrylamide/Sodium Acrylate Copolymer
  • Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Peel Oil,
  • Citrus Grandis Peel Oil
  • Citrus Tangerina Peel Oil
  • Glycine
  • Hydroxytyrosol
  • L-proline
  • L-taurine
  • Methylparaben
  • Methylsulfonylmethane
  • N-acetyl-L-cysteine
  • Niacinamide
  • Pyridoxine HCl
  • Silica
  • Vanillin

Remedy Antifungal Powder utilizes Miconazole Nitrate as its primary active ingredient. While most anti-fungal substances only carry a Miconazole Nitrate saturation of 1%, Remedy Antifungal Powder carries 2%, and in the case of such a potent substance, that plus one percent means quite a lot. Miconazole Nitrate is among the most effective anti-fungal substances available today, and this has led to it becoming popular. The methodology used is identical to that of most other anti-fungal substances, which is the inhibition of a particular enzyme which is crucial to the production of fungal cell membranes. The various oils derived from plants help sooth the skin when the powder is applied. In some cases, other anti-fungal ingredients caused immense pain.


Once again, the dosage for this product is the same as with all the other anti-fungal products you’ve probably read about. The infected area must be cleaned and dried prior to usage, and once this is complete, a thin layer of Remedy Antifungal Powder is to be applied to the target area. It is significantly more effective if rubbed into the skin, as that way it reaches the pores and can clean them out. The powder should be applied every two days, every morning and evening. If your are using the product to treat an on-going infection, then you should be seeing visible results within four weeks. If not, you should seek medical attention. However, if the infection is vanishing, continue using the product until it is fully cured.

Possible Side Effects

This might be familiar to those of you who have read up on anti-fungal medicines. Remedy Antifungal Powder contains certain allergens and will cause side effects similar to those of skin fungus in people who are allergic to them.


A pack of two 3 ounce bottles of Remedy Antifungal Powder costs $13.30 plus free shipping on Amazon, making this a fairly priced product.


Since distribution isn’t handled by the manufacturer, you will need to depend on the guarantee policies of the reseller of your choice. Customer reviews, however, are positive.


While Remedy Antifungal Powder is an extremely potent and fairly priced product, it is plagued by painful side effects and a lack of a guarantee policy, which is why we cannot recommend this product.

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Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash Review

Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash is the subject of this review. Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash is a unique product which claims to pack the punch of an anti-fungal spray, cream or powder in the shape of a shower gel, which effectively eliminates fungal spores which cause common afflictions such as athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm.

These infections come with painful and embarrassing symptoms such as rashes, chafing and scaling of the skin, burning and general discomfort. If you wish to know more about this unique product, make sure to read our review thoroughly.


  • Natural Tea Tree oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Organic Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Vegetable Glycerin
  • Guar Gum
  • Aloe Vera
  • Rosemary Extract

As we are talking about an entirely organic and natural substance, and taking into account that this is a body wash, the practice of the standard identification of a single active ingredient becomes obsolete. All of Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash’s ingredients play a vital role in the elimination of the fungal infection that afflicts you. The various oils and extracts are natural substances which kill fungus spores. The aloe vera helps alleviate pain and soothes the skin, as it is known that typically, in the case of jock itch, anti-fungal products without aloe vera can cause crippling pain and stinging. The glycerin and gum hold all these substances together, so application becomes easy and convenient.


The usage of Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash is extremely simple. Just use it as you would use any other shower gel. Rinse yourself down, then generously wash your body with the product, then rinse again. That’s it.

Possible Side Effects

One drawback of an all-natural formula is that these organic compounds carry a much higher risk of causing allergic reactions. Ironically, the use of this body wash will result in the same side effects as more traditional anti-fungal creams and powders, which is basically the symptoms the patient wanted to do away with in the first place. If you’re allergic to any of these ingredients, expect to deal with rashes, irritation and burning.


An 8 ounce bottle of Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash costs $16.50 on Amazon, and if you check out with more than $35 worth of this product, you will be entitled to free shipping. The price for a product this size is fair, considering that usually a product which claims to be all natural only does so to justify a ludicrous price tag.


Of all the anti-fungal products we reviewed, and there were quite a few, this is one of the only ones that we found that has a money-back policy, so you can see why this is a big deal. The guarantee lasts 45 days, and to make things even better, customer reviews are glowing.


While Mountainbreeze Naturals Funga-Free Foot & Body Wash is certainly a unique idea, and is backed by both a guarantee and a fair price, our faith in this all natural formula is limited, as the synthetic anti-fungal substances exist for a reason. Add to this the high risk of side effects, and you have a promising product which falls apart on closer inspection.

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Derma E Tea Tree and E Oil Review

This is a review of Tea Tree and E Oil which is manufactured by Derma E. This product claims to act as an antiseptic and antioxidant for your skin. Read on to find out whether Tea Tree and E Oil is right for you and your symptoms.



This oil is a blend of 75% Tea Tree Oil and 25% Vitamin E. Tea tree oil is a very common oil that is used for a wide variety of skin afflictions including cuts, fungal infections, blisters, insect bites, allergic reactions and eczema. It is also used in household cleaning products. Tea tree oil is widely regarded to be an antiseptic as well have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Derma E added Vitamin E to the blend in order to help ease the dryness that tea tree oil can cause. Vitamin E is well renowned for providing moisture to the skin and it is often used in after-sun products.

The ingredients and manufacturing processes offer the following qualities: vegan, GMO- free cruelty-free, sulfate-free, paraben-free, lanolin-free and gluten-free.


Derma E states that for general use you should apply the oil to the affected area once a day. However, to remove fungal infections, you will need to apply it twice a day. Make sure that your skin is clean and dry before applying this oil.

Possible Side Effects

This product is intended for external use only. It should not be ingested and it should be kept away from the eyes, nose and mouth.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using this oil.

Tea tree oil is safe to use in low doses on the skin. However, some people may experience dryness or irritation when they use this oil.

Tea tree oil is toxic if ingested. Side effects of ingesting tea tree oil by mouth include confusion, unsteadiness, rash, inability to walk and sometimes a coma.

When combined with lavender oil, tea tree oil may produce abnormal effects on young boys who have not yet gone through puberty. It is possible that these oils may have an effect on the hormones causing abnormal breast growth.

Vitamin E is safe when applied to the skin as long as you do not exceed 15 mg.


The product is for sale by the manufacturer for $14.95. The product is also for sale on Amazon at a reduced price of $12.34 which has been marked down from $13.10.


Derma E offers a 100% money back guarantee that states that you can return their product for a full refund. If the store you bought it at will not accept the return, you may return it directly to Derma E along with the receipt within 45 days of your purchase.


Tea Tree and E Oil by Derma E is a product that claims to provide a solution to a variety of skin ailments including cuts, acne and fungal infections. They offer an inexpensive product and a generous guarantee. However, there is no timeline within which to expect results from this product and using tea tree oil can cause further dryness to the infected area, which may be painful.

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