Oregavit Wild Oregano Oil Review

This is a review of Orgavit Wild Oregano Oil. The manufacturer claims that this product is 99% effective in the treatment of athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. The product is supposed to have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, making it effective in the treatment of candida, the leading cause of foot infections. Read on for an evaluation of the expected effectiveness of this product based on active ingredients and customer reviews.


This product contains:

  • Origanum Vulgare Oil (Oregano)
  • Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
  • PrunusDulcis (Almond) Oil
  • Tocopherol(Vitamin E)

Origanum Vulgare is an essential oil derived from the Wild Mediterranean species of the oregano plant. The product claims to contain up to 86% Carvacrol, the active component in oregano, which is supposed to be an antifungal agent. There is scientific evidence that Carvacrol kills candida albicans, but there has been no testing of its effectiveness involving human subjects. There is far more objective information available on the internal use of oregano oil supplements, but that information does not address the effectiveness of oregano as an antifungal agent.


It is recommended to apply this product all over the feet, including toenails and in between the toes, twice a day for three weeks. There is no clear information available on the actual amount of either oregano oil or Carvacrol needed to treat toenail fungus. Also, the labeling specifies “up to” 86% Carvacrol, which is troublingly ambiguous.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturer provides no information regarding possible side effects. Additionally, no information is readily available on the topical application of this product or of oregano oil in general. However, because oregano is in the Lamiaceae family of plants which also includes basil, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, mint, and sage, people who are allergic to this family of plants may be subject to an allergic reaction.


Orgavit Wild Oregano Oil is available online for $9.90 for a .33fl.oz/10ml bottle. Prices for similar products vary widely, but this seems to be on the more expensive side.


The manufacturer does not offer a guarantee for this product. This is troublesome, as the product claims to be 99% effective with no objective, credible evidence to support this claim.


While other sellers of oregano oil claim that it is effective for the treatment of toenail fungus, no credible or objective evidence is available that backs up this claim. Because of the lack of scientific proof of Carvacrol’s effectiveness in treating candida infections in humans and a lack of consumer reviews, the claims of the manufacturer cannot be verified. The manufacturer also admits that a permanent, long-lasting solution requires the treatment of the internal cause of the fungal infection. It should be noted that there are no specific claims that oregano oil does not work for the treatment of athlete’s foot, and there are many enthusiastic, if unsubstantiated, testimonies in support of this treatment. Therefore, this product may be a good choice for someone who strongly desires to use a natural remedy rather than a pharmaceutical one. However, for those seeking a more scientifically-verified remedy, this product may not be the best choice.

Click here to learn more about our Top Athlete’s Foot Treatment Products.

When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

Everyone wants to have healthy and smooth feet, because they feel good and look fantastic. However, many have to deal with dry, cracked skin that at best, doesn’t look very good. It can be itchy or painful. The heels are particularly prone to this issue.

When this is a problem, you may not wear those cute sandals that you bought for the summer. Most of the time you can treat dry, cracked heels from the comfort of your own home, using supplies that you already have. However, there are times when you may need to see a podiatrist.

Why Do Heels Crack?When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

While our toes and heels crack most often, irritating cracks can occur anywhere on the feet. Sometimes, the cracks can be so painful that it is difficult to walk. Often, calluses may lead to these cracks because they have made the skin hard and thick. Once the skin is tough, then simply walking can split the area of the skin around the calluses.

One cause of calluses are shoes that are too tight. If the shoes don’t fit properly, your foot may become irritated where the shoe is rubbing against the skin. Calluses may also form if you often walk barefoot outside. If the calluses get thick enough, the skin is likely to crack. Being overweight, wearing shoes like flip flops, or standing for a long time can also make heels crack.

Those with conditions like eczema, psoriasis, thyroid problems, or diabetes are also at a higher risk for cracked heels due to poor circulation in the lower extremities. If you suffer from one of these conditions, it is important to speak with your doctor if you are having  issues with your feet.When You Need to Talk to a Doctor About Cracked Feet

Treating Cracked Heels at Home

Usually, you can treat cracked skin at home and you’ll be healed quickly. A simple treatment is to put a thick coat of lotion on the surface of your feet. Make sure you really moisturize your toes and heels. Put on socks in a natural fiber like cotton or wool, so the lotion can stay on your skin instead of the bedsheets.

When you take a bath or shower the next morning, gently rub off the dead skin with a file or pumice stone. Before you know it, your feet will already start to look and feel better. If your feet are not improving, or if they are getting worse, it is time to call your doctor.

When to See a Specialist

There are a few times when you may need to call a podiatrist. Older people who get severe cracks should call a doctor immediately as these cracks may quickly transform into bedsores or ulcers. If you have an autoimmune disorder like HIV or diabetes, you will also want to contact a physician right away. Finally, if you are a healthy person, but the cracks don’t go away after an attempt at a home treatment, it is time to see a podiatrist.

Oral Medications for Athlete’s Foot

Oral Medications for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. Symptoms include dry skin, blisters, itching, peeling or flaky skin, or a burning sensation between your toes. Usually, these are treated with an anti-fungal lotion, but for more serious cases you may need to take an oral medication. Some of these medications include:


This medication is  most often proscribed for oral fungal infections, including infections in the mouth, throat, and lungs. However, it is also used to treat infections in toe and fingernails. Your doctor may prescribe it to you as a liquid, capsule, or tablet, but whatever the form, you need to take the medicine exactly as it is prescribed.

Oral Medications for Athlete's FootThere are possible side effects with Itraconazole. These include a skin rash, headaches, stomach pain, itching, dizziness, constipation, or diarrhea. The effects will normally go away in less than five days, but you need to contact your doctor immediately if they go on for longer or become severe. If you have any of these more dangerous side effects, you need to contact your doctor right away. These include dark colored urine, swelling, extreme weight gain in a short period of time, a change in stool color, fever, nausea, shortness of breath, hearing problems, pain while urinating, or a yellowing of the eyes or skin.

Make sure that you tell your doctor what other medications you are taking because prescriptions containing ergonavine, cisapride, midazolam, lovastatin, and quinidine can negatively interact with itraconazole.


This medication is like itraconazole in that it is usually used to treat internal infections like those occurring in the stomach, mouth, throat, organs, and vagina. In fact, it is used primarily to cure yeast infections. It will be prescribed as a tablet or liquid and must be taken every day. As with itraconazole, there are a number of side effects that will usually go away after a couple days, including heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, or a change in the way food tastes.

Oral Medications for Athlete's FootIf you have any of these serious side effects, you need to call your doctor right away. These dangerous signs include poor appetite, bruising or bleeding, difficulty swallowing or breathing, a yellow tint in the eyes or skin, a rash, or seizures. Again, because of negative drug interactions, you need to inform your doctor of all the medications you take. The ones that are particularly bad to take with fluconazole include zidovudine, terfenadine, stall, rifampin, valproic acid, and warfarin. If you are on any of these, your doctor may change the dose of fluconazole accordingly.


Finally, the drug most commonly used to treat athlete’s foot or other fungal infections on the finger or toenails is terbinafine.

Your doctor will prescribe this in the form of a tablet that you need to take every day for 3 months. As with all medications, there may be side effects. The ones generally associated with terbinafine include hives, rash, itching, and stomach pain. If they do not go away after a few weeks, you need to contact your doctor. If you experience any of these dangerous side effects, you need to contact your doctor right away. These include a severe rash, sore throat, fever, dark urine, a change in stool color, a sore throat, vomiting, or extreme fatigue.

Medical Treatment for Athlete’s Foot

Medical Treatment for Athlete’s Foot

See a Doctor

If you think you may have athlete’s foot, otherwise known as tinea pedis, it is important to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Your medical provider will ask you to discuss any previous infections and describe your current symptoms. Make sure you provide a complete history.

Your doctor might take a nail or skin sample if your symptoms look unusual or if this is a returning infection. He or she will obtain this sample by using a microscope slide to lightly scratch your skin. Your doctor may also trim your nails for a sample. Laboratory tests will be performed to confirm and identify the fungus.

A biopsy may be performed, but only in very rare cases.

Medical Treatment for Athlete's FootTreatment

To start, your doctor may recommend using an over-the-counter anti-fungal ointment like terbinafine, clotrimazole, tolnaftate, or miconazole. These are all creams that you will apply to the infected areas.

The next step will be to try prescription antifungal medications. Some are applied topically, like butenafine, naftifine, and clotrimazole. Oral antifungals include itraconazole, fluconazole, and terbinafine. These are taken in a capsule form.

Usually, your doctor won’t prescribe an oral anti-fungal because they may cause serious side effects and are quite expensive.

As with all antibiotics, even if you think the infection is gone, you must follow your doctor’s orders and take the medicine exactly as prescribed. If you don’t, there’s a good chance the infection will resurface.

Types of Athlete’s Foot

There are a few different types of athlete’s foot. They include:

  1. Toe Web: The most common infection, it usually occurs between your toes. If you think you have toe web, use nonprescription antifungals and dry and clean your feet often.
  2. Moccasin-type infections: These are so-named because your skin takes on a scaly, thick look, much like the skin of a snake. This type of infection is really hard to eradicate because it’s on the foot’s sole where the skin is really thick. Since it is difficult to get rid of, you may need a prescription anti-fungal ointment.
  3. Blisters: Also known as vesicular infections, these are usually on your instep. They will also sometimes occur on the top of the foot, the bottom of your foot, heel, or between the toes. This could also be caused by bacteria, but it is very uncommon. Since it is more serious:
    1. The blister may need to be removed.
    2. You or your doctor will have to dry the blister out. You can usually do this by using a Burow’s solution to soak your feet for a few days. After the blister is dry, you can use an anti-fungal cream.
    3. If the infection is caused by bacteria, you’ll need to take an antibiotic as well.
    4. If your infection is really bad, your medical provider may also give you corticosteroid pills.


There are a number of reasons that athlete’s foot may return. As discussed above, if you do not take your medicine as prescribed, you are increasing the chance of the infection returning. The other issue may be that you are  not doing enough to prevent the fungal infection.Medical Treatment for Athlete's Foot

The ways to prevent a fungal infection are:

  1. Let your feet breathe by wearing shoes or sandals.
  2. Always dry the area between your toes.
  3. Go barefoot as much as possible when you’re at home.
  4. Change your socks whenever they get damp.
  5. Powder your feet with an anti-fungal powder or talcum.
  6. Let your shoes air out at least every other day.
  7. Wear flip flops when you’re at a public pool or shower.

Final Thoughts

Many don’t get their athlete’s foot treated because they don’t notice it or are not bothered by the symptoms. However, the longer you let the infection linger, the higher the chance that you may get a bacterial infection that will require medical treatment.

Also, keep in mind that if you have an infection, you may be spreading it to others.